Saturday, December 21, 2019

Gun Control Is Needed - 1472 Words

Gun Control Is Needed Regulation of guns is a necessary action that needs to be taken in order to save lives. A good definition of gun control is needed to understand the sides and issues. Gun control is an effort to stop the rise in violent crime by strengthening laws on the ownership of firearms. Persons in the group against gun control believe that gun control is wrong, and that it is a violation of constitutional rights. Those in favor of gun control believe that gun control is good, that the Second Amendment does not apply to regular citizens, and that guns should be taken out of the hands of criminals. There are several major anti-gun control groups. These groups include the National Rifle Association (NRA), and the†¦show more content†¦Most recently there was the ban on assault weapons, which bans the sale and manufacture of what the government considers assault weapons. Both the NRA and HCI have fought very hard against one another to pass some bills, and to keep some bills from becoming law. Both sides of this argument present very strong cases. They have many facts and statistics to use as weapons (see Appendix for data of both sides). The stronger case being presented by the pro-gun control groups. The NRA has several good points, but HCI has points that are more relevant to the society we live in. Pro-gun control groups can prove that crime can be reduced with more gun control laws by showing death statistics in countries with stricter gun control laws (Figure 1.1). The NRA argues differently, but does not have the extremely convincing evidence to back their ideas up. To save more lives from death by firearms, some compromise must be made between these groups. Losing some time or money to buy a gun could save many lives. The NRA argues that people are guaranteed the right to own guns in the Second Amendment (See Appendix for the text of this amendment), but anti-gun control groups say that the law applies only to militia, not individuals. The pro-gun control groups have the stronger case because they can prove thatShow MoreRelatedGun Control : Is It Needed?881 Words   |  4 PagesGun Control: Is It Needed? Gun control has been a hot topic in the media for decades. The decision to keep amendment two as it is, add stricter regulations, or abolish the amendment altogether has caused a considerable amount of quarrel between opponents of gun control and its advocates. 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After that in 1968, 3 laws wereRead MoreThe Issue Of Gun Control1454 Words   |  6 PagesPeople start to wonder whether gun control is needed in this time period. Passing of strict laws is creating a tension between people who believe Americans have the right to bear arms against those who think guns kill people and need to be controlled. Who should Americans believe? First you have to understand that gun control laws could be very helpful in stopping certain crimes..certain. For example, in Tennessee, One of the most gun owning place, has put a ban on guns in certain places. The TennesseeRead MoreWhat Would The World Be Like If Guns Were Banned?1062 Words   |  5 PagesWhat would the world be like if guns were banned? Would chaos break out, or would the United States have peace? The Second Amendment grants U.S. Citizens the right to keep and bear arms. While some people believe banning guns will make the world safer, others believe the world will only be in more danger. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

General Security Policy Free Essays

string(53) " owner of information has the responsibility for: 1\." Sample Information Security Policy I. POLICY A. It is the policy of ORGANIZATION XYZ that information, as defined hereinafter, in all its forms–written, spoken, recorded electronically or printed–will be protected from accidental or intentional unauthorized modification, destruction or disclosure throughout its life cycle. We will write a custom essay sample on General Security Policy or any similar topic only for you Order Now This protection includes an appropriate level of security over the equipment and software used to process, store, and transmit that information. B. All policies and procedures must be documented and made available to individuals responsible for their implementation and compliance. All activities identified by the policies and procedures must also be documented. All the documentation, which may be in electronic form, must be retained for at least 6 (six) years after initial creation, or, pertaining to policies and procedures, after changes are made. All documentation must be periodically reviewed for appropriateness and currency, a period of time to be determined by each entity within ORGANIZATION XYZ. C. At each entity and/or department level, additional policies, standards and procedures will be developed detailing the implementation of this policy and set of standards, and addressing any additional information systems functionality in such entity and/or department. All departmental policies must be consistent with this policy. All systems implemented after the effective date of these policies are expected to comply with the provisions of this policy where possible. Existing systems are expected to be brought into compliance where possible and as soon as practical. II. SCOPE A. The scope of information security includes the protection of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information. B. The framework for managing information security in this policy applies to all ORGANIZATION XYZ entities and workers, and other Involved Persons and all Involved Systems throughout ORGANIZATION XYZ as defined below in INFORMATION SECURITY DEFINITIONS. C. This policy and all standards apply to all protected health information and other classes of protected information in any form as defined below in INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION. III. RISK MANAGEMENT A. A thorough analysis of all ORGANIZATION XYZ information networks and systems will be conducted on a periodic basis to document the threats and vulnerabilities to stored and transmitted information. The analysis will examine the types of threats – internal or external, natural or manmade, electronic and non-electronic– that affect the ability to manage the information resource. The analysis will also document the existing vulnerabilities within each entity which potentially expose the information resource to the threats. Finally, the analysis will also include an evaluation of the information assets and the technology associated with its collection, storage, dissemination and protection. From the combination of threats, vulnerabilities, and asset values, an estimate of the risks to the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information will be determined. The frequency of the risk analysis will be determined at the entity level. B. Based on the periodic assessment, measures will be implemented that reduce the impact of the threats by reducing the amount and scope of the vulnerabilities. IV. INFORMATION SECURITY DEFINITIONS Affiliated Covered Entities: Legally separate, but affiliated, covered entities which choose to designate themselves as a single covered entity for purposes of HIPAA. Availability: Data or information is accessible and usable upon demand by an authorized person. Confidentiality: Data or information is not made available or disclosed to unauthorized persons or processes. HIPAA: The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, a federal law passed in 1996 that affects the healthcare and insurance industries. A key goal of the HIPAA regulations is to protect the privacy and confidentiality of protected health information by setting and enforcing standards. Integrity: Data or information has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. Involved Persons: Every worker at ORGANIZATION XYZ — no matter what their status. This includes physicians, residents, students, employees, contractors, consultants, temporaries, volunteers, interns, etc. Involved Systems: All computer equipment and network systems that are operated within the ORGANIZATION XYZ environment. This includes all platforms (operating systems), all computer sizes (personal digital assistants, desktops, mainframes, etc. ), and all applications and data (whether developed in-house or licensed from third parties) contained on those systems. Protected Health Information (PHI): PHI is health information, including demographic information, created or received by the ORGANIZATION XYZ entities which relates to the past, present, or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual; the provision of health care to an individual; or the past, present, or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual and that identifies or can be used to identify the individual. Risk: The probability of a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability of information resources. V. INFORMATION SECURITY RESPONSIBILITIES A. Information Security Officer: The Information Security Officer (ISO) for each entity is responsible for working with user management, owners, custodians, and users to develop and implement prudent security policies, procedures, and controls, subject to the approval of ORGANIZATION XYZ. Specific responsibilities include: 1. Ensuring security policies, procedures, and standards are in place and adhered to by entity. 2. Providing basic security support for all systems and users. 3. Advising owners in the identification and classification of computer resources. See Section VI Information Classification. 4. Advising systems development and application owners in the implementation of security controls for information on systems, from the point of system design, through testing and production implementation. 5. Educating custodian and user management with comprehensive information about security controls affecting system users and application systems. 6. Providing on-going employee security education. 7. Performing security audits. 8. Reporting regularly to the ORGANIZATION XYZ Oversight Committee on entity’s status with regard to information security. B. Information Owner: The owner of a collection of information is usually the manager responsible for the creation of that information or the primary user of that information. This role often corresponds with the management of an organizational unit. In this context, ownership does not signify proprietary interest, and ownership may be shared. The owner may delegate ownership responsibilities to another individual by completing the ORGANIZATION XYZ Information Owner Delegation Form. The owner of information has the responsibility for: 1. You read "General Security Policy" in category "Papers" Knowing the information for which she/he is responsible. 2. Determining a data retention period for the information, relying on advice from the Legal Department. 3. Ensuring appropriate procedures are in effect to protect the integrity, confidentiality, and availability of the information used or created within the unit. 4. Authorizing access and assigning custodianship. 5. Specifying controls and communicating the control requirements to the custodian and users of the information. 6. Reporting promptly to the ISO the loss or misuse of ORGANIZATION XYZ information. 7. Initiating corrective actions when problems are identified. 8. Promoting employee education and awareness by utilizing programs approved by the ISO, where appropriate. 9. Following existing approval processes within the respective organizational unit for the selection, budgeting, purchase, and implementation of any computer system/software to manage information. C. Custodian: The custodian of information is generally responsible for the processing and storage of the information. The custodian is responsible for the administration of controls as specified by the owner. Responsibilities may include: 1. Providing and/or recommending physical safeguards. 2. Providing and/or recommending procedural safeguards. 3. Administering access to information. 4. Releasing information as authorized by the Information Owner and/or the Information Privacy/ Security Officer for use and disclosure using procedures that protect the privacy of the information. 5. Evaluating the cost effectiveness of controls. 6. Maintaining information security policies, procedures and standards as appropriate and in consultation with the ISO. 7. Promoting employee education and awareness by utilizing programs approved by the ISO, where appropriate. 8. Reporting promptly to the ISO the loss or misuse of ORGANIZATION XYZ information. 9. Identifying and responding to security incidents and initiating appropriate actions when problems are identified. D. User Management: ORGANIZATION XYZ management who supervise users as defined below. User management is responsible for overseeing their employees’ use of information, including: 1. Reviewing and approving all requests for their employees access authorizations. . Initiating security change requests to keep employees’ security record current with their positions and job functions. 3. Promptly informing appropriate parties of employee terminations and transfers, in accordance with local entity termination procedures. 4. Revoking physical access to terminated employees, i. e. , confiscating keys, changing combination locks, etc. 5. Providing employees with the opportunit y for training needed to properly use the computer systems. 6. Reporting promptly to the ISO the loss or misuse of ORGANIZATION XYZ information. 7. Initiating corrective actions when problems are identified. 8. Following existing approval processes within their respective organization for the selection, budgeting, purchase, and implementation of any computer system/software to manage information. E. User: The user is any person who has been authorized to read, enter, or update information. A user of information is expected to: 1. Access information only in support of their authorized job responsibilities. 2. Comply with Information Security Policies and Standards and with all controls established by the owner and custodian. 3. Refer all disclosures of PHI (1) outside of ORGANIZATION XYZ and (2) within ORGANIZATION XYZ, other than for treatment, payment, or health care operations, to the applicable entity’s Medical/Health Information Management Department. In certain circumstances, the Medical/Health Information Management Department policies may specifically delegate the disclosure process to other departments. (For additional information, see ORGANIZATION XYZ Privacy/Confidentiality of Protected Health Information (PHI) Policy. ) 4. Keep personal authentication devices (e. g. passwords, SecureCards, PINs, etc. confidential. 5. Report promptly to the ISO the loss or misuse of ORGANIZATION XYZ information. 6. Initiate corrective actions when problems are identified. VI. INFORMATION CLASSIFICATION Classification is used to promote proper controls for safeguarding the confidentiality of information. Regardless of classification the integrity and accuracy of all classifications of information must be pr otected. The classification assigned and the related controls applied are dependent on the sensitivity of the information. Information must be classified according to the most sensitive detail it includes. Information recorded in several formats (e. g. , source document, electronic record, report) must have the same classification regardless of format. The following levels are to be used when classifying information: A. Protected Health Information (PHI) 1. PHI is information, whether oral or recorded in any form or medium, that: a. is created or received by a healthcare provider, health plan, public health authority, employer, life insurer, school or university or health clearinghouse; and b. relates to past, present or future physical or mental ealth or condition of an individual, the provision of health care to an individual, or the past present or future payment for the provision of health care to an individual; and c. includes demographic data, that permits identification of the individual or could reasonably be used to identify the individual. 2. Unauthorized or improper disclosure, modification, or destruction of this information could violate state and federal laws, result in c ivil and criminal penalties, and cause serious damage to ORGANIZATION XYZ and its patients or research interests. B. Confidential Information 1. Confidential Information is very important and highly sensitive material that is not classified as PHI. This information is private or otherwise sensitive in nature and must be restricted to those with a legitimate business need for access. Examples of Confidential Information may include: personnel information, key financial information, proprietary information of commercial research sponsors, system access passwords and information file encryption keys. 2. Unauthorized disclosure of this information to people without a business need for access may violate laws and regulations, or may cause significant problems for ORGANIZATION XYZ, its customers, or its business partners. Decisions about the provision of access to this information must always be cleared through the information owner. C. Internal Information 1. Internal Information is intended for unrestricted use within ORGANIZATION XYZ, and in some cases within affiliated organizations such as ORGANIZATION XYZ business partners. This type of information is already idely-distributed within ORGANIZATION XYZ, or it could be so distributed within the organization without advance permission from the information owner. Examples of Internal Information may include: personnel directories, internal policies and procedures, most internal electronic mail messages. 2. Any information not explicitly classified as PHI, Confidential or Public will, by default, be classified as Internal Information. 3. Unauthorized disclosure of this information to outsiders may not be appropriate due to legal or contractual provisions. D. Public Information 1. Public Information has been specifically approved for public release by a designated authority within each entity of ORGANIZATION XYZ. Examples of Public Information may include marketing brochures and material posted to ORGANIZATION XYZ entity internet web pages. 2. This information may be disclosed outside of ORGANIZATION XYZ. VII. COMPUTER AND INFORMATION CONTROL All involved systems and information are assets of ORGANIZATION XYZ and are expected to be protected from misuse, unauthorized manipulation, and destruction. These protection measures may be physical and/or software based. A. Ownership of Software: All computer software developed by ORGANIZATION XYZ employees or contract personnel on behalf of ORGANIZATION XYZ or licensed for ORGANIZATION XYZ use is the property of ORGANIZATION XYZ and must not be copied for use at home or any other location, unless otherwise specified by the license agreement. B. Installed Software: All software packages that reside on computers and networks within ORGANIZATION XYZ must comply with applicable licensing agreements and restrictions and must comply with ORGANIZATION XYZ acquisition of software policies. C. Virus Protection: Virus checking systems approved by the Information Security Officer and Information Services must be deployed using a multi-layered approach (desktops, servers, gateways, etc. ) that ensures all electronic files are appropriately scanned for viruses. Users are not authorized to turn off or disable virus checking systems. D. Access Controls: Physical and electronic access to PHI, Confidential and Internal information and computing resources is controlled. To ensure appropriate levels of access by internal workers, a variety of security measures will be instituted as recommended by the Information Security Officer and approved by ORGANIZATION XYZ. Mechanisms to control access to PHI, Confidential and Internal information include (but are not limited to) the following methods: 1. Authorization: Access will be granted on a â€Å"need to know† basis and must be authorized by the immediate supervisor and application owner with the assistance of the ISO. Any of the following methods are acceptable for providing access under this policy: . Context-based access: Access control based on the context of a transaction (as opposed to being based on attributes of the initiator or target). The â€Å"external† factors might include time of day, location of the user, strength of user authentication, etc. b. Role-based access: An alternative to traditional access control models (e. g. , discretionary or non-discretionary access control po licies) that permits the specification and enforcement of enterprise-specific security policies in a way that maps more naturally to an organization’s structure and business activities. Each user is assigned to one or more predefined roles, each of which has been assigned the various privileges needed to perform that role. c. User-based access: A security mechanism used to grant users of a system access based upon the identity of the user. 2. Identification/Authentication: Unique user identification (user id) and authentication is required for all systems that maintain or access PHI, Confidential and/or Internal Information. Users will be held accountable for all actions performed on the system with their user id. a. At least one of the following authentication methods must be implemented: 1. strictly controlled passwords (Attachment 1 – Password Control Standards), 2. biometric identification, and/or 3. tokens in conjunction with a PIN. b. The user must secure his/her authentication control (e. g. password, token) such that it is known only to that user and possibly a designated security manager. c. An automatic timeout re-authentication must be required after a certain period of no activity (maximum 15 minutes). d. The user must log off or secure the system when leaving it. 3. Data Integrity: ORGANIZATION XYZ must be able to provide corroboration that PHI, Confidential, and Internal Information has not been altered or destroyed in an unauthorized manner. Listed below are some methods that support data integrity: a. transaction audit b. disk redundancy (RAID) c. ECC (Error Correcting Memory) d. checksums (file integrity) e. encryption of data in storage f. digital signatures 4. Transmission Security: Technical security mechanisms must be put in place to guard against unauthorized access to data that is transmitted over a communications network, including wireless networks. The following features must be implemented: a. integrity controls and b. encryption, where deemed appropriate 5. Remote Access: Access into ORGANIZATION XYZ network from outside will be granted using ORGANIZATION XYZ approved devices and pathways on an individual user and application basis. All other network access options are strictly prohibited. Further, PHI, Confidential and/or Internal Information that is stored or accessed remotely must maintain the same level of protections as information stored and accessed within the ORGANIZATION XYZ network. 6. Physical Access: Access to areas in which information processing is carried out must be restricted to only appropriately authorized individuals. The following physical controls must be in place: a. Mainframe computer systems must be installed in an access-controlled area. The area in and around the computer facility must afford protection against fire, water damage, and other environmental hazards such as power outages and extreme temperature situations. b. File servers containing PHI, Confidential and/or Internal Information must be installed in a secure area to prevent theft, destruction, or access by unauthorized individuals. . Workstations or personal computers (PC) must be secured against use by unauthorized individuals. Local procedures and standards must be developed on secure and appropriate workstation use and physical safeguards which must include procedures that will: 1. Position workstations to minimize unauthorized viewing of protected health information. 2. Grant workst ation access only to those who need it in order to perform their job function. 3. Establish workstation location criteria to eliminate or minimize the possibility of unauthorized access to protected health information. 4. Employ physical safeguards as determined by risk analysis, such as locating workstations in controlled access areas or installing covers or enclosures to preclude passerby access to PHI. 5. Use automatic screen savers with passwords to protect unattended machines. d. Facility access controls must be implemented to limit physical access to electronic information systems and the facilities in which they are housed, while ensuring that properly authorized access is allowed. Local policies and procedures must be developed to address the following facility access control requirements: 1. Contingency Operations – Documented procedures that allow facility access in support of restoration of lost data under the disaster recovery plan and emergency mode operations plan in the event of an emergency. 2. Facility Security Plan – Documented policies and procedures to safeguard the facility and the equipment therein from unauthorized physical access, tampering, and theft. 3. Access Control and Validation – Documented procedures to control and validate a person’s access to facilities based on their role or function, including visitor control, and control of access to software programs for testing and revision. . Maintenance records – Documented policies and procedures to document repairs and modifications to the physical components of the facility which are related to security (for example, hardware, walls, doors, and locks). 7. Emergency Access: a. Each entity is required to establish a mechanism to provide emergency access to systems and ap plications in the event that the assigned custodian or owner is unavailable during an emergency. b. Procedures must be documented to address: 1. Authorization, 2. Implementation, and 3. Revocation E. Equipment and Media Controls: The disposal of information must ensure the continued protection of PHI, Confidential and Internal Information. Each entity must develop and implement policies and procedures that govern the receipt and removal of hardware and electronic media that contain PHI into and out of a facility, and the movement of these items within the facility. The following specification must be addressed: 1. Information Disposal / Media Re-Use of: a. Hard copy (paper and microfilm/fiche) b. Magnetic media (floppy disks, hard drives, zip disks, etc. ) and c. CD ROM Disks 2. Accountability: Each entity must maintain a record of the movements of hardware and electronic media and any person responsible therefore. 3. Data backup and Storage: When needed, create a retrievable, exact copy of electronic PHI before movement of equipment. F. Other Media Controls: 1. PHI and Confidential Information stored on external media (diskettes, cd-roms, portable storage, memory sticks, etc. ) must be protected from theft and unauthorized access. Such media must be appropriately labeled so as to identify it as PHI or Confidential Information. Further, external media containing PHI and Confidential Information must never be left unattended in unsecured areas. 2. PHI and Confidential Information must never be stored on mobile computing devices (laptops, personal digital assistants (PDA), smart phones, tablet PC’s, etc. ) unless the devices have the following minimum security requirements implemented: a. Power-on passwords b. Auto logoff or screen saver with password c. Encryption of stored data or other acceptable safeguards approved by Information Security Officer Further, mobile computing devices must never be left unattended in unsecured areas. . If PHI or Confidential Information is stored on external medium or mobile computing devices and there is a breach of confidentiality as a result, then the owner of the medium/device will be held personally accountable and is subject to the terms and conditions of ORGANIZATION XYZ Information Security Policies and Confidentiality Statement signed as a condition of employme nt or affiliation with ORGANIZATION XYZ. H. Data Transfer/Printing: 1. Electronic Mass Data Transfers: Downloading and uploading PHI, Confidential, and Internal Information between systems must be strictly controlled. Requests for mass downloads of, or individual requests for, information for research purposes that include PHI must be approved through the Internal Review Board (IRB). All other mass downloads of information must be approved by the Application Owner and include only the minimum amount of information necessary to fulfill the request. Applicable Business Associate Agreements must be in place when transferring PHI to external entities (see ORGANIZATION XYZ policy B-2 entitled â€Å"Business Associates†). 2. Other Electronic Data Transfers and Printing: PHI, Confidential and Internal Information must be stored in a manner inaccessible to unauthorized individuals. PHI and Confidential information must not be downloaded, copied or printed indiscriminately or left unattended and open to compromise. PHI that is downloaded for educational purposes where possible should be de-identified before use. I. Oral Communications: ORGANIZATION XYZ staff should be aware of their surroundings when discussing PHI and Confidential Information. This includes the use of cellular telephones in public areas. ORGANIZATION XYZ staff should not discuss PHI or Confidential Information in public areas if the information can be overheard. Caution should be used when conducting conversations in: semi-private rooms, waiting rooms, corridors, elevators, stairwells, cafeterias, restaurants, or on public transportation. J. Audit Controls: Hardware, software, and/or procedural mechanisms that record and examine activity in information systems that contain or use PHI must be implemented. Further, procedures must be implemented to regularly review records of information system activity, such as audit logs, access reports, and security incident tracking reports. These reviews must be documented and maintained for six (6) years. K. Evaluation: ORGANIZATION XYZ requires that periodic technical and non-technical evaluations be performed in response to environmental or operational changes affecting the security of electronic PHI to ensure its continued protection. L. Contingency Plan: Controls must ensure that ORGANIZATION XYZ can recover from any damage to computer equipment or files within a reasonable period of time. Each entity is required to develop and maintain a plan for responding to a system emergency or other occurrence (for example, fire, vandalism, system failure and natural disaster) that damages systems that contain PHI, Confidential, or Internal Information. This will include developing policies and procedures to address the following: 1. Data Backup Plan: a. A data backup plan must be documented and routinely updated to create and maintain, for a specific period of time, retrievable exact copies of information. b. Backup data must be stored in an off-site location and protected from physical damage. . Backup data must be afforded the same level of protection as the original data. 2. Disaster Recovery Plan: A disaster recovery plan must be developed and documented which contains a process enabling the entity to restore any loss of data in the event of fire, vandalism, natural disaster, or system failure. 3. Emergency Mode Operation Plan: A plan must be developed and documented which c ontains a process enabling the entity to continue to operate in the event of fire, vandalism, natural disaster, or system failure. 4. Testing and Revision Procedures: Procedures should be developed and documented requiring periodic testing of written contingency plans to discover weaknesses and the subsequent process of revising the documentation, if necessary. 5. Applications and Data Criticality Analysis: The criticality of specific applications and data in support of other contingency plan components must be assessed and documented. Compliance [ § 164. 308(a)(1)(ii)(C)] A. The Information Security Policy applies to all users of ORGANIZATION XYZ information including: employees, medical staff, students, volunteers, and outside affiliates. Failure to comply with Information Security Policies and Standards by employees, medical staff, volunteers, and outside affiliates may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal in accordance with applicable ORGANIZATION XYZ procedures, or, in the case of outside affiliates, termination of the affiliation. Failure to comply with Information Security Policies and Standards by students may constitute grounds for corrective action in accordance with ORGANIZATION XYZ procedures. Further, penalties associated with state and federal laws may apply. B. Possible disciplinary/corrective action may be instituted for, but is not limited to, the following: 1. Unauthorized disclosure of PHI or Confidential Information as specified in Confidentiality Statement. 2. Unauthorized disclosure of a sign-on code (user id) or password. 3. Attempting to obtain a sign-on code or password that belongs to another person. 4. Using or attempting to use another person’s sign-on code or password. 5. Unauthorized use of an authorized password to invade patient privacy by examining records or information for which there has been no request for review. . Installing or using unlicensed software on ORGANIZATION XYZ computers. 7. The intentional unauthorized destruction of ORGANIZATION XYZ information. 8. Attempting to get access to sign-on codes for purposes other than official business, including completing fraudulent documentation to gain access. — ATTACHMENT 1 — Password Control Standards The ORGANIZATION XYZ Information Security Polic y requires the use of strictly controlled passwords for accessing Protected Health Information (PHI), Confidential Information (CI) and Internal Information (II). See ORGANIZATION XYZ Information Security Policy for definition of these protected classes of information. ) Listed below are the minimum standards that must be implemented in order to ensure the effectiveness of password controls. Standards for accessing PHI, CI, II: Users are responsible for complying with the following password standards: 1. Passwords must never be shared with another person, unless the person is a designated security manager. 2. Every password must, where possible, be changed regularly – (between 45 and 90 days depending on the sensitivity of the information being accessed) 3. Passwords must, where possible, have a minimum length of six characters. 4. Passwords must never be saved when prompted by any application with the exception of central single sign-on (SSO) systems as approved by the ISO. This feature should be disabled in all applicable systems. 5. Passwords must not be programmed into a PC or recorded anywhere that someone may find and use them. 6. When creating a password, it is important not to use words that can be found in dictionaries or words that are easily guessed due to their association with the user (i. e. children’s names, pets’ names, birthdays, etc†¦). A combination of alpha and numeric characters are more difficult to guess. Where possible, system software must enforce the following password standards: 1. Passwords routed over a network must be encrypted. 2. Passwords must be entered in a non-display field. 3. System software must enforce the changing of passwords and the minimum length. 4. System software must disable the user identification code when more than three consecutive invalid passwords are given within a 15 minute timeframe. Lockout time must be set at a minimum of 30 minutes. 5. System software must maintain a history of previous passwords and prevent their reuse. How to cite General Security Policy, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

The Laborer by diego rivera free essay sample

Diego Rivera’s artwork is very unique and is still very popular today. Diego Rivera, who is arguably one of the most important 20th Century Latin American artists, who was only eighteen years old at the time, painted â€Å"El Albanil† in 1904. This painting is only one of three or four known paintings to exist from that early period of the artist’s career. It shows his talent for a muralist style and like most well known for representing. The oil on canvas painting is signed by the artist and dated 1904. To me, this painting stood out to me because it was one of the only paintings in the exhibit where it had only one person in the painting. In my opinion, it looks like â€Å"El Albanil† which in English, means the laborer, is about to go start working. Either that, or he is taking a break from work, but he definitely looks like he is in the middle of something. We will write a custom essay sample on The Laborer by diego rivera or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This painting looks like the man is upset about something. Maybe he believes that his heritage is being treated unfairly. After all, it is clearly obvious that this man is Mexican-American. Maybe he feels that he should be appreciated more rather than being looked at how people see him. Maybe he wants to do more with his life than just work for people. Or perhaps he is proud of the work that he does and is showing off by the stance he is in. The way Rivera made the oil on canvas look is just so magnificent. He makes it look like it’s sunny outside without anyone being able to see the sun. He does this by making the floor a bunch of different colors and by making the shovel and bucket have a shadow. It looks like its really bright on the floor and as it gets more and more to the left the colors start to change into a darker shade because the sun is not hitting that part inside. Also another thing that stood out to me was the wall. How it is dark and then becomes lighter. The way he made it look was as if the sun wasn’t hitting the inside wall but the wall that goes straight back is getting all the sun. There are many different shapes that I can point out in this picture; for example, his hat is a very strong shape as well as his bucket and shovel. The shirt he is wearing looks like a rectangular shape and the lower half of his body looks more round than is does square. The way the man is holding the shovel makes him look so masculine. Like he is in control of everything he does and doesn’t let anyone push him around or tell him what to do. It’s the way the oil defines the laborers features that makes it look so good. It’s also the way the colors look on his shirt, the way it changes from a light blue to a darker blue. It makes it look like he is standing big and tall. How his hat has a shadow can make a person tell that he is posing with his head in an upward position and usually that type of posture means that the person is very confident in themselves and not shy at all. In my opinion I find it odd that this man looks so confident in this painting because by the way he is dressed it seems like he does not come from a lot of money. Today, people who do not have a lot of money are not as confident or strong willed. However it looks like nothing is stopping this man, it seems like he does not care whether he is rich or poor, he will not let his minority classification bring down his dignity. He is proud of who he is and what he does. Like I stated before, it looks like this painting is about minority. From what I saw at the art museum, Diego Rivera focuses a lot on culture. And not just any culture, the kind of cultures that did not have a lot of money. Although these people don’t have money, they still make the best out of their lives because all they have is each other. This man looks like he is not sad, but confidant. He looks like he feels proud of himself and what he does. No one or nothing is going to stop him.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

History of Balinese Dancing Art

Music and dance were known to people for a long time. At first, dance would be used in religious ceremonies and rituals, for example, to call out the rain in the dry season and in some instances, before going hunting, to bring good luck and a rich catch. Our ancestors believed that they would please the spirits and the higher forces of nature, thus they will be sent whatever it is they needed in abundance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on History of Balinese Dancing Art specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Balinese dancing is one of the oldest types of dancing. Bali, an Indonesian island, has become a tourist attraction where people from all over the world come to see the unique dance. It is very influential on a person and there is no other medium quite like it that can have such a significant effect on a person. Especially, Balinese dance is meant to touch the deepest parts of the human soul. It can raise the mood a nd make it light or depress it and have a negative influence on the psyche of a person. Comparing to other types of art, which can be made and put on a wall or stored in a museum, a dance only exists while it is made. To make it even more unique, Balinese dancers incorporate a lot of hand gestures and movements of the legs and body. Every part of a person seems to be doing its separate dance but altogether, it creates a unit where the center is the emotion and connection to a higher force (Spies 2001). Balinese dancing is learned from a very early age. Children start learning within a family by first observing their parents and mimicking the movements. As it is a traditional dance of the culture, a lot of Indonesians are well aware of the dance and its importance. The learning process is one of the unique features of the whole dance. It is not done in private, on the contrary, the practices take place in a public place where neighbors, friends and people from the community come and watch. Their views are an important part of the learning process, and if there is a mistake made, they will point it out. This teaches the student to be used to an audience but also, to the criticism of the profession. It is interesting that the Balinese dancing culture understands that only through humiliation and public display students can reach perfection. Another significant teaching technique is that students learn by observing their teacher. There are no mirrors, so the only way for them to learn proper movements is the close interaction with the teacher. At first, a student stands behind their teacher and repeats the moves. Then, the teacher will go behind the student and make physical contact. In this way, the teacher moves the student’s arms and legs making sure of the correct placement. It is important to mention that each teacher has their original way of style and movements. As such, some teachers become more demanded than others, and people come from distant loc ations to be taught by a particular teacher (Gold 2004).Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Balinese dancing is a form of theatre that comes to life through dancing. It is a show between the certain music style, illusory dancing and acting. The gestures and the emotion on the dancer’s face are authentic to the culture and the rituals that have existed for centuries. The unique musical instruments add to the traditional dancing and are also considered a part of the ritual to the Gods. Religion has always been an intricate part of the Bali culture where a person’s life is a battle between the good and evil spirits. This means that a person becomes connected with their dance and costume in the closest way. The representation of the spirit must be emotional and heartfelt. When an individual is doing the dance, they must feel the energy that is radiating through their body and so, transfer it to the surrounding people and nature. For each particular type of activity there is a specific dance. Religious dance greatly differs from a dance before a hunt or the calling out of weather (Ness 1992). Even though a single person can perform a dance and hypnotize the audience, a large group of people performing the same moves is even more enchanting. Due to the fact that the dance is learned from such a young age, dancers become extremely experienced in the movements and the synchronization becomes almost perfect. As a matter of fact, it is one of the key characteristics of the dance. Even when dancers turn away from each other, they are able to perform the exact same movements, with a specific height of an elbow, foot extension or finger movement. The music that is played helps in a great way because it contains sound cues that allow people to quickly and unnoticeably adjust in case they lost the rhythm (Merkle 2012). Another form of Balinese dancing is called â€Å"Topeng†. This is when a dancer or several are wearing special masks. Usually, these are of different types and have many kinds of emotions expressed on the mask. It is never taken off during a performance, and it is meant to symbolize ancestral roots and rituals. The general theme of the masked dancing is connected to the kings that ruled a long time ago. It is very closely linked with the history of the people, and this is why it is appreciated even more than other types of Balinese dancing. Humor is often involved as one of the key aspects of the performance.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on History of Balinese Dancing Art specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Even though some events that are acted out relate to the ancient past, humor is still incorporated. This type of mixing of time and cultures adds greater uniqueness to the dance and the people performing and watching. The dancers have different r oles within the setting, some are wise and philosophize about life while others are clowns who run around the stage and contrast the other characters. The masks are made from wood, and the process is considered an art form in and of itself. Painting the masks and applying specific emotions is a very long process which requires high level of skill. It is rather interesting to note that the paint is made from all natural products, which adds even more connection to the nature and the spiritual world (Gold 2004). As such, Balinese dancing is one of the most original ones in the world. Indonesian Balinese dancers have kept their popularity to the modern day. It stays an important part of the culture as the future generations continue to respect and transfer the legacy of the ancestors. Works Cited Gold, Lisa. Music in Bali. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 2004. Print. Merkle, Margarete. Bali: Magical Dances. Berlin, Germany: Epubli, 2012. Print. Ness, Sally. Body, Movement, and C ulture. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1992. Print. Spies, Walter. Dance Drama in Bali. London, England: Tuttle Publishing, 2001. Print.Advertising Looking for essay on art and design? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This essay on History of Balinese Dancing Art was written and submitted by user Edgar Reed to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Current Access To The Dome Of The Rock Example

Current Access To The Dome Of The Rock Example Current Access To The Dome Of The Rock – Article Example Current Access to the Dome of the Rock Introduction Jerusalem is home to the world’s greatest sects, Judaism, Islam and Christianity, for its famous structures including the Dome of the Rock. This paper embarks on discussing the current access to the Dome of the Rock, including its security measures. Initially, the paper will provide a short discussion of the significance of the site to various religious beliefs.Dome of the Rockâ€Å"Qubbat al-Sakhra,† commonly known as the Dome of the Rock or â€Å"Haram al-Sharif (Noble Sanctuary)† by Muslims, is a shrine built in the city of Jerusalem, specifically on a platform at the top of the Holy House or Mount Moriah (Islam and Al-Hamad 109). Although built on top of the most sacred site of Judaism, it is considered as Islam’s third holiest place (Blair 7). Mount Moriah, according to Jewish belief, is the exact location of Abraham’s sacrificial offering of his son Isaac, but according to Islamic faith, it i s where Mohammed ascended to heaven after journey from Mecca and Jerusalem (â€Å"About Dome of the Rock† 6-7). Current AccessEveryone is allowed to visit, but for non-Muslims, the site is open only from Sundays to Thursdays, from seven to eleven o’clock in the morning and from 1:30 to 2:30 in the afternoon (â€Å"Noble Sanctuary: The Dome of the Rock† 11). Notably, non-Muslims can access only the Temple Mount (ramp to the right of Western Wall), and they are prohibited in the Dome of the Rock. On the other hand, only Muslims are allowed to enter the Dome of the Rock. Jews and Christians are permitted to visit the site as tourists, through the Mugrabi Gate (located above to the left of Western Wall plaza), but they are prohibited from making religious displays, singing and praying, even in silence (Booth and Eglash 10). Security measures are taken in place on the site as freedom to access is enshrined as law. Visitors are required to wear modest dress and bring the passport. Backpack or any items brought to the site will undergo ocular inspection by policemen before anyone can enter the Mount.ConclusionThe Dome of the Rock accounts as one of the holiest places on Earth. Only Muslims are granted full access to the site every day while non-Muslims, although allowed to visit as tourists from Sundays to Thursdays, are allowed only in the Temple Mount and banned in the Dome of the Rock. Security measures, such as passport and bag inspections by policemen, are put in place to secure the safety and reduce tension in the area.About Dome of the Rock., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. .Blair, David. â€Å"Why the Struggle for Jerusalem Never Ends.† The Telegraph, 06 Nov. 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. .Booth, William, and Ruth Eglash. â€Å"Israel Blocks Jerusalem Holy Site Amid Rising Tensions After Activist Shot.† The Washington Post, 30 Oct. 2014. Web. 05 Mar. 2015. .Islam, M. Anwarul and Zaid F. Al-Hamad. â€Å"The Dome of the Rock: Origin of its Octagonal Plan.† Palestine Exploration Quarterly 139.2 (2007): 109-128. Print.Noble Sanctuary: The Dome of the Rock., 2015. Web. 05 March 2015. .

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Global Warming Prevention Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global Warming Prevention - Essay Example Industrialization has caused us to increase the amount of fossil and carbon based fuels we burn. Coal, oil and natural gas are great sources of energy because they produce massive amounts of energy from a small volume of matter. Unfortunately, these carbon-based fuels produce carbon dioxide as a waste product. Carbon dioxide is a green house gas. It traps the earth’s heat and keeps it in the atmosphere much the same way a blanket hold in heat from the human body in a bed. Too much carbon dioxide is like sleeping under a thick blanket on a warm night. Too much heat is trapped, resulting in an uncomfortable situation. A minority of scientists feel that human sources of carbon dioxide have little or nothing to do with global warming. They point to the geologic history of earth and show times that earth was much warmer than it is currently. Interests, such as oil and gas companies, that want to continue to drill for and consume fossil fuels at the current levels, often support the se scientists. Countering these industry scientists are many brave individuals. Al Gore said, â€Å"Scientists around the world are sounding a clear and urgent warning. Global warming is real, it is already underway, and its consequences are totally unacceptable (Anderson, 2009).† Most independent data shows that global warming is being driven by human activity, so the most important thing we can do in this generation is develop practices and technology that lessen human impact on the global climate. The first course of action we must undertake to prevent further warming is to lessen the amount of greenhouse gasses entering the atmosphere. This is not a simple job because much of our modern lifestyle depends on burning fossil fuels. The largest amounts to fossil fuels are burned to transport goods and people and to produce electricity. Reducing the amount of fuel used in these two processes will greatly reduce the amount of carbon dioxide entering the atmosphere. For electric al power generation, we need to derive more of our energy from renewable resources such a wind and solar power. Many electrical power plants burn coal because it is cheap and easy to obtain. Solar and wind power are more expensive because the technology to generate electricity this way is fairly new (Roberts, 1994). Research and development monies must be spent so that photovoltaic solar panels and wind turbines can produce electricity more efficiently. Greater efficiency will result in reduced cost. Some skeptics argue that these technologies only work when the wind is blowing and the sun is shining. They say that this is not reasonable because an energy supply must be constant. Improvements in storing generated electricity in liquid metal batteries will enable sustainably generated electricity to be produced and then stored until needed. This is an example of how technology can overcome current obstacles to electrical power generation. Providing carbon-neutral transportation will be a bit trickier and require more sacrifice. We are many generations away from being able to produce solar powered cars and trucks. Currently, transportation accounts for over 25% of the fossil fuels consumed globally (Collier, 2007). Clear alternatives, such as hybrid vehicles have grown in popularity and are cutting fuel consumption, but global changes have been

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Theology Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Theology Paper - Essay Example The spirituality that I envision is the Spirituality of Service, which has for its ideal the motto that service to mankind is the highest form of service to God. Spirituality of Service is part of the Judeo-Christian tradition. It has its roots in the teachings of the Holy Bible and is greatly influenced by the life and teachings of St. Francis of Assisi. This spirituality of service emphasizes that love expressed to God must be made evident by love expressed to humanity. This concept of spirituality can also be called the Spirituality of the Hammer. Millard Fuller, the founder of Habitat for Humanity, a Christian ministry that builds homes for the homeless, says regarding the theology of the hammer "our Christian faith mandates that we do more than just talk about faith and sing about love. We must put faith and love into action to make them real, to make them come alive for people. True faith must be acted out." (p.7). The Spirituality of Service looks to the Holy Bible as the source of its inspiration. The two great commandments of the Bible regarding loving God and loving one's neighbor are the pivots of this spirituality. The major emphasis of this spirituality is putting faith into action. ... e of you says to him, "Go, I wish you well; keep warm and well fed," but does nothing about his physical needs, what good is it"(Holy Bible, James 2:14-17 NIV). People deprived of the basic necessities of life need much more than comforting words, they need food, clothing and shelter. The spirituality of service seeks to serve God by identifying and meeting the needs of the poor and outcasts of society by community effort. This spirituality's concept of God is of an eternal being of infinite goodness existing as the Trinity - the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. God's goodness is evident in creation and this goodness is expressed in a continual giving on God's part. The highest gift of this good God is the person of Jesus Christ, the incarnated Word, who died on the cross to liberate man from the bondage of sin and established for man, a new way to fellowship with God. The concept of man in this spirituality is of a created being. Man's ultimate goal in life is to live in intimate fellowship with God and this is made possible through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit in man. Man's broken relationship with God was restored at the cross and now to live in close fellowship with God, man is commanded to love God and love his neighbor. The bottom line is that love to God must be expressed in social action. Apostle John giving a practical application of this commandment says "If anyone has material possessi ons and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."(Holy Bible, 1 John 3:17-18.NIV). Meditating on the philosophy of human existence, this spirituality holds the view that achieving the consciousness of God is closely linked to the consciousness

Monday, November 18, 2019

Summary of complexity and contradition in architecture Essay

Summary of complexity and contradition in architecture - Essay Example This is because Venturi’s main argument stated that natural rules to the entire architectural domain are able to be realized through rational thinking (Venturi & Museum of Modern Art, 2007). Venturi uses political interest and debates that arose from the enlightenment of philosophers. Optimism is the greatest concern expressed by Venturi  in this text claiming, â€Å"Everything is for the best in all possible worlds.† Therefore, despite all the hardships that Venturi  goes through, he believes in God’s proclamation and trust in him sees his dream come true at the end. The expressive nature is in a reductively simplified version of the philosopher’s whom Venturi  went to seek advice from when overwhelm about his true destiny. Even Venturi  endures disappointment of his previous feelings about successfully overcoming the stress he was enduring. The architecture employed in Venturi’s argument was a vast asset for fostering the American intellect and administrating the state and republic. According to Venturi’s argument, Monticello will be grounded on the limitless liberty of humanity. He also thought that a reasonable system of or der administrated the natural world, and by applying scientific policies, man’s condition could be greatly

Friday, November 15, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Television in Society

Advantages and Disadvantages of Television in Society Today, television is one of the greatest creations of mankind as well as one of the most significant mass media in this world. Every family has at least one television at home. Watching it has become the essential part in our daily life. This is mainly because it is not just an entertainment device but a powerful tool to connect with outside world and the happenings around us. The amount of time people is spending in front of television is awful; on average, individuals spend three hours a day to sit in front of television (Ruskin, 2002). Indeed, television can teach us about the new things but at the same time, it can be misused by mankind also. As a result, this essay is going to explore both the beneficial and harmful effects of television towards the society in this modern time. Different types of television programs Having said this, the main purposes of television are to provide information to users, entertainment, and advertisement (, 2007). There are many types of television programs today; one of them is news and weather forecasts. Basically, news should perform in the following four main functions to the community i.e. latest, educational, opinion making, and entertainment functions (Media Awareness Network, 2010). Its primary purpose is to provide reliable information and connect the worldwide happenings to its readers. Other type of television program is the live broadcasts. Audience can access to the events such as festival celebration, opening ceremony, and winning awards on the spot without any delay in transmission. Furthermore, some entertainment programs such as dramas, sports, and cartoons are to entertain the viewers. Those funny parts in cartoons might give viewers some kind of relaxation and laugh. Occasionally, certain parts in drama can also teach us to become more alert in the cautious situation. Moreover, there are also a lot of school education programs that broadcast in television nowadays. In fact, television can be a good source of education as long as children find the right programs. They can choose the showing courses that interest them and at the same time, improve on their learning loops. In addition, through the documentary channel one can broaden their knowledge in terms of understand the results in processing and figuring out on others living behaviours and cultures in a deeper way. On another hand, advertisement is also a form of television program that communicate a specific product or service to end users (Nawathe, Gawande Dethe, 2007). It promotes and introduces us the new innovations and products. Therefore, it is a tool for moving the economy forward. The power of television Television has plenty of channels with different topics. These programs keep us informed of all current affairs in the world. Events through television are going to be more vivid than those through magazines and newspapers ( 2010). Moreover, it allows us to express message with picture, sound, and movements, which can give the business, product, or service an instant accessibility (, 2010). Even if we avoid watching them, we are constantly influenced by them (Potter 2010). Therefore, television became a very important and influential part of culture in our daily life. Besides that, television can reach much wider audience coverage than local newspapers and radio stations (, 2010). Television has shrunk the distance of the world that one can watch what is happening several thousand miles away from us. It is also a good source of entertainment which is very cheap within the access of every one. So in totality it is information from all over the world, and it is fun and enjoyment with convenience (Ziemkowska, 2007). For example, we watch the news from the whole world, the news on hand is realistic and keeps us aware of both locally and internationally happenings around us. Additionally, television has huge source of information and be able to enrich our knowledge in many ways. Some television programs such as cooking and learning courses introduce us the new knowledge and new method of doing things. Hence, one can become skilful at doing jobs, making cakes, and cooking through practical courses taught on television (, 2010). In referring to this point, one can learn new stuffs, and probably can become rich, beautiful, and popular through television (, 2010). Moreover, television is also a source of recreation (, 2010). For example, the funny programs could bring us minutes of relaxation after a hard days work. Numerous people consider television as a good escape from all difficulties of everyday life. In addition, one can have a weather forecast and plan several things accordingly before hand. Of course, there are also some good advertisements on television. Social advertising is a very good example of positive ads. For example, the soap companies such as Dettol and Lifebuoy provoke children to stay clean at all times. Moreover, brushing twice a day was a marketing strategy for more usage of that product but they do encourage children on keeping their teeth clean and healthy (Nawathe, Gawande Dethe, 2007). The limitations of television viewing Apart from its advantages, however, television could bring a lot of cons to viewers too. Television is seemed to be a bad influence in today world ( 2007). People who were sat in front of a television early in life grow up to be socially crippled, thus unable to handle the real life social situations; and sometimes even violent (Potter, 2010). Many scientists have been studying the effects of television for decades; they generally focus on whether watching violence on it correlates with being violent in real life (Ruskin 2002). This is where watching too many stupid movies and shows, some may think that it is normal that they commit a crime and would not be punished. In the films, the murderers can escape away and never be caught. For example, many bank robbers live happy lives after robbing much money. Besides that, many heroes are still surviving, even if they were shot by a gun. Television thus creates the very fake image of the world to society, especially the children and teenagers. This may make people want to become criminals (, 2010). In particular, the purpose of advertisement is to influence on the consumers buying pattern (Nawathe, Gawande Dethe, 2007). Indeed, advertisement is probably one of the most influential items in television program (, 2007). If the ad is good enough to attract the group, they will probably go and buy the product in hopes of reaching the same perfection (Wow Essays, 2004). Taking sport ad for an example, Nike is accused of implying their shoes will provide a consumer athletic ability. As a result, children are going to want the same pair in order to become as their idol (Wow Essays, 2004). According to that issue, fast food industry is another great example of bad advertisement influence in people consuming habits (, 2007). Nawathe, Gawande Dethe (2007) pointed out that those advertisements with soft drinks, burgers, pizzas, and other fast foods can have negative impacts on the childrens health. Fast food chains often target at children and teenagers. To make the situation even worst, these products yet advertised during the childrens programs. This is where it shaped into the next issue, due to sitting long hours in front of television and computer every day, they are probably not exercising, thus fast food habits may lead to obesity. Furthermore, children aged anywhere between 3-17 years is now suffered from diabetes. Please be aware that watching too much of television can harm our eyes and nerves also. Moving forward, several advertisements today show smokers, sexuality, and strange images for the teens. Because of these ads, teens may be encouraged to do inappropriate stuff during their teenage life ( 2010). This has made a cause for great public concern too (, 2010). Conclusion In short, parents should provide proper guidance on age-appropriate use of all media, especially the television and the Internet. Personally, I think that in this fractured media environment today, the rise of television and Internet usage is most pressure on todays people, especially the teenagers and children. They are attracted to those commercial sites because young people are more adaptive and more open to new invent technologies than adults. However, marketing to young people raises a series of ethical issues. Government should come out multiple sets of regulations in order to control against the marketing activities targeted at them. Besides that, government should also implement appropriate food laws in order to control over the unhealthy food advertisements on television. On another hand, which is more relevant, such positive social advertisements should indulge because the impact to society is enormous. Taken as a whole, it is vital that all of us must aware of what the sho ws and commercial ads that trying to sell us. We should keep our eyes open and beware of the danger and fake information they feed us at all times. [1489 words]

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Symbols and Symbolism in Mark Twains The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn :: Adventures Huckleberry Huck Finn Essays

Huckleberry Finn – Symbolism of The River Rivers flow freely, and smoothly, and people usually go to the river to escape from society and civilization. They feel free with the nature surrounding them, which allows them to rest, and relax in peace. In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn by Mark Twain, Twain uses symbolic importance of the Mississippi River. Throughout the story, the Mississippi River plays an important symbolic figure, and significance to the story's plot. For Huck and Jim, the river is a place for freedom and adventure. Mark Twain uses the Mississippi River to symbolize freedom, adventure, and comfort. For Jim he has nothing else to lose. He runs away from Widow Douglas's house because he finds out that she is going to sell him off to a plantation in the South. ."..I hear ole missus tell de widder she gwyne to sell me down to Orleans..." If Jim was sold to Orleans, he would be farther away from the free states, and it would be harder for him to get back with his family. Therefore, Jim escapes to the Mississippi River. He is a runaway slave and there is a $300 reward out for him. His goal is to reach Cairo, and Huck is going to help him get there. "Dah's Cairo!."..When he got enough he would buy his wife, which was owned on a farm close to where Miss Watson lived; and then they would both work to buy the two children..." For Jim, the river represents freedom and poverty. Huck agrees to help Jim by following along on his journey to Cairo. Jim depends on the Mississippi River and believes it will lead him to his finding of his family. Thus, the Mississippi River symbolizes freedom. Huck follows along with Jim down the Mississippi for an adventure. "I reckoned I would slip over the river and find out what was going on...couldn't I put on some of them old things and dress up like a girl?" Huck and Jim has been on the river for couple of days and Huck wants to know what's going around town. He dresses up like a girl and goes to a house near the Illinois shore, but the woman in the house suspects him to be a boy and he gets caught.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fahrenheit 451 Essay

Fahrenheit 451 Synthesis Essay In the book Fahrenheit 451, author Ray Bradbury describes a futuristic society in which it is normal for an average individual to shun and absolutely loathe books. The main character, Guy Montag, works as a fireman, and his job description consists of burning books instead of preventing fires. Television is a major topic in this book, and for the most part, is portrayed as an extremely obsessive and deleterious item.Today, in American society however, television is a much more positive thing, and has a lot to contribute to a healthy, connected, and well informed society. In American society, television can save lives instead of destroying them. Tim Leberecht, a well-reputed blogger and columnist, proclaims, â€Å"studies indicate enormous potential for TV to serve as a health educator† (Leberecht). Television provides us with information about how to keep better health in an interesting and effective way. By using drama and popular culture refere nces, TV educates us about health concerns and ways to prevent them.Bradbury obviously does not realize this aspect of television when he states on page 21, â€Å"If we had a fourth wall, why it’d be like this room wasn’t ours at all, but all kind of exotic people’s rooms† (Bradbury 21). Montag’s wife, Mildred, tries to convince Guy to get her a fourth TV wall, which would completely enclose her in a fake TV world. In reality, however, people make much more out of TV than in this fake, futuristic society. Television today has transformed into a machine that can make us grasp and learn difficult items with ease. TV can make us smarter (as it) contains multi threaded storylines featuring fifteen or more characters,† states www. designmind. com (Leberecht). These complexities in plot make us think extensively and outside the box, and push our minds to the limits of our computing ability. Unfortunately for the natives of the futuristic society in Fahrenheit 451, television only contains useless information that drives viewers to forget information about their families. â€Å"When did we meet? And where? † Montag asks his wife (Bradbury 42).TV has driven them to forget about the people that live in their own homes, as it depicted as a very negative concept. In our modern day television, however, we have the ability to understand and comprehend complicated ideas as a family, and serves to unite rather than disperse families through the art of learning. Television breaks down barriers and taps into our better selves. Tim Leberecht pronounces that â€Å"After the 1965 Watts Riots, CBS Journalist Joe Saltzman produced Black on Black, a documentary about what it means to be black in Los Angeles† (Leberecht).Television series, documentaries, and movies help to break down barriers and restrictions between race, gender, color, and creed, and make us knowledgeable about the fact that everyone is created equally in these measures. Without the aid of TV, many important movements around the world would not have taken place. A study conducted by Hollywood, Health & Society, shows that â€Å"viewers of the episode (of CBS show Numb3rs on an organ donation storyline) were more likely to become registered organ donors† (Leberecht). Television informs us about ways that we can better ourselves as well as help others.On page 20 of Fahrenheit 451, Mildred memorizes the simplistic and useless storylines of the television shows she watches (Bradbury 20). On the other hand, in the real world we have many TV programs where we can learn and apply the right things to do in life, instead of committing to memory the ways to respond to a fake TV family and life. Television brings family and friends together in ways that make everyone feel comfortable and entertained. â€Å"Televised events like the Super Bowl, the Olympics and the World Cup give us a rare opportunity to share a moment in time with the world, † proclaims Tim Leberecht of www. esignmind. com (Leberecht). With our busy lives, we almost never take out time to spend with our loved ones, and these televised events are when the majority of people meet up and have fun. â€Å"Millie? Does the White Clown love you? Does your ‘family’ love you, love you with all their heart and soul, Millie? † Montag asks Mildred (Bradbury 77). Guy Montag is questioning his wife out of desperation, and is extremely curious to know if she believes that her fake TV family really loves her. From this we can see that he is truly disappointed with life and his wife’s immoral addiction to television.We must keep in mind that our society today is not as dumbed down and obsessed with fake parlor shows that spread real, tangible people apart as Mildred is. TV today is a source of knowledge and learning, and creates the perfect circumstances and settings for the getting together of the people that really matter the most. One of the most important aspects of television is its ability to strengthen democracy and teach the law. â€Å"Seventy-two percent (of the US population) learn about elections and candidates from TV news,† states www. designmind. om (Leberecht). TV brings us information that is essential to maintaining our freedom and our guaranteed rights. It also provides us with news about the world, and of countries that have strayed off the path of democracy and the consequences that they are forced to endure through because of that. â€Å"The search is over, Montag is dead; a crime against society has been avenged,† claims the TV news anchor in Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury 149). In reality, Guy is still alive and on the loose, but the news gives out fake information to the population.The news in Montag’s society is just a source of propaganda, instead of the true, insightful, informative, un-biased news we have broadcasting 24/7 in the modern day United States. Television saves lives, empowers health, makes us smarter, breaks down barriers, makes us better people, brings loved ones together, and strengthens democracy. TV is clearly a force that informs, entertains, and makes us the best that we can possibly be every single day. Works Cited Leberecht, Tim. â€Å"10 Reasons Why TV Is Good For You. † Design Mind. 27 July 2010. Web. 11 Mar. 2013. Bradbury, Ray. Fahrenheit 451. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1967. Print.

Friday, November 8, 2019

boy scouting essays

boy scouting essays Boy Scouting has effected the lives of many young men between the age of twelve and eight-teen. Over one million boys have been effected in America alone since 1910 when Boy Scouting was incorporated. But the story of Boy Scouting started before 1910. The Story begins in 1844, when the YMCA was founded in London. The YMCA laid the foundation for the largest organization for boys. Within the next fifteen years three of the most important figures in boy scouting were born. They are Daniel Carter Beard, a great outdoorsmen, Robert Baden Powell, the founder of boy scouting, and Ernest Thompson Seton, who was also skilled in the outdoors. Then in 1876, the First Boys Club was established. This was Americas first version of the Boy Scouts. This was soon followed by a number of organizations from 1902 until 1907. Some of these include Woodcraft Indians, founded by Seton; Sons of Daniel Boone, founded by Beard; the Boys Club and the Brownsea Island Experiment. In 1910 Boy Scouts came to America officially. The legendary story goes as follows. One foggy day in 1909 and American Businessman named William D. Boyce lost his way in the fog. So he stopped under a street light to read his map when he was approached by a young British boy. The boy asked the man if he could help and the man said certainly. The boy showed the man to his destination. When the man offered the boy a tip the boy responded that he would not except anything from the man because he was a scout. Boyce became very interested in this and later met with Lord Robert Baden-Powell. He was a famous British general who had founded the scouting movement in Great Britain. He was so impressed with what he learned that he brought the movement home with him. On February 8, 1910, William D. Boyce officially incorporated Boy Scouts of America. Later in that same year, the first scout handbook was published. It was en ...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


REFLECTIVE ESSAY A Reflective Essay is a type of academic writing that involves description of real life scene or imaginary scene. Reflective essay can also describe real and imaginative event, interactive dialogue, a flow of thought, idea, observation, past memory. A reflective writing can also have a poetic form. It can also describe specific feeling and emotion, real-life situation or incident with a certain accent to the personal perception how everything was or happened. If you are seeking professional reflective essay writing, we are able to help you. The major point to have in mind is that while writing your reflective essay instead of keeping your essay in strictly descriptive tone, you can add more of a personal point of perception. This means that you are reflecting on the certain experience both real and imaginary. Reveal additional learning aspects of the described situation. Conclude with newly obtained knowledge and wisdom that appeared to become of your personality after experiencing the described event. REFLECTIVE ESSAY Reflective essay is considered to be one of the easiest types of essays to write. This fact is connected with necessity to reflect on your personal feelings. The emphasis is on your own life experiences that can be discussed through various topics. You have ability to share your own findings and personal life results. Another important significance of reflective essay is your opportunity to explore your own insights regarding various topics. Reflective essay is often used a self-assessment possibility. From one reflective essay to another you can explore the difference and change that you have made as a person. It is your time to reflect on your personal beliefs and observations. You are also awaited to cite materials like journals, books, articles, etc. that had certain influence and serve as evidence of your changes in beliefs. The structure of reflective essay is built around particular ideas or topic reflections. The introduction must have all valid ideas that are supported with valid opinions or evidence through the essay body. The conclusion underlines or highlights topic basics and repeats main insights in short manner. The written style is followed by set instructions and can be APA, MLA, AMA, Chicago, Turabian, Vancouver, etc. Same follows with reflective essay layout, spacing, citations and overall style.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Warrior Politics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Warrior Politics - Essay Example Kaplan's striking theories to utilize history as a guide in today's world especially while dealing with war and violence could be attributed to the fact that he has traveled extensively to the war zones and had a first hand experience of the barbarism that prevails. Robert Kaplan after years of reporting from combat zones in Bosnia, Uganda, the Sudan, Sierra Leone, Pakistan, Ethiopia and Eritrea have convinced Kaplan (Balkan Ghosts, The Coming Anarchy) that Thucydides and Sun-Tzu are still right on the money when they wrote that war is not an aberration and that civilization can repress barbarism but cannot eradicate it. Reminding readers that "The greater the disregard of history, the greater the delusions regarding the future," Kaplan conducts a brisk tour through the works of Machiavelli, Malthus and Hobbes, among others, to support his advocacy of foreign policy based on the morality of results rather than good intentions. From those classics, he extracts historical models and rationales for exploiting military might, stealth, cunning and what he dubs "anxious foresight" (which some may regard as pessimism based on disasters past) in order to lead, fight and bring adversaries to their knees should they challenge the prevailing balance of power. This is a very valid point when it comes to today's scenario and Kaplan's theories must be tried and experimented. It's very interesting to note that, Kaplan suggests to adapt this model to business, exploring the ways modern-day CEOs can benefit from history's lessons. A clear indication that a lot more can be learnt from the graves of history as well as successfully implementation of the same is bound to show us positive difference. It is just a matter of giving a sincere attempt. Kaplan in his book had a discussion of the world's breeding grounds for rogue warriors out to disrupt daily life in bizarre new ways will strike a chord with most readers, as will his recounting of the brilliant Statesmanship of Churchill and Roosevelt during World War II. As per him, these instances of the past if replicated in today's war struck world would give a better opportunity to us coping up with the aftermaths of the tragedies. He is of the opinion that this is a provocative, smart and polemical work that will stimulate lively discussion. Agents, Brandt and Brandt. (Jan.)Forecast: Kaplan's credentials, combined with his call for a strong and unambiguous foreign policy, should draw attention. Kaplan looks to ancient philosophers and military strategists for ageless wisdom that can be applied to modern geopolitics. He argues that the end of the cold war and the proliferation of modern technology threaten to create such complacency that world leaders miss the significance of "nasty little wars in anarchic corners of the globe." Indeed, Kaplan mentions the likelihood of expeditions to apprehend the likes of Osama bin Laden. Integrating classic and contemporary scholarship, the author argues that the ills of the twentieth century are "less unique than we

Friday, November 1, 2019

Communication eassy 7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Communication eassy 7 - Essay Example The stock market Crash of 1929 and the Great Depression would be played out on the airwaves of the radio for everyone to develop a common myth. Yet, radio was relatively slow to catch on. With little governmental control, the media giants of CBS and NBC struggled to reshape society, and only succeeded due to the commitment of a few visionary men. By 1910 radio had become a curiosity and few outside the military and marine ship operators understood its true potential. Yet, over the next 50 years it would transform our society from a loosely disconnected fabric of social groups to a cohesive group with a national identity. To understand the transformation it is necessary to examine the rapid social change of the 1920s. Entertainment, news, economics, politics, and technology all went through a rapid modernization (Crowley and Heyer 218). One of the driving forces behind this movement was the radio. People became connected in a way that was previously unknown. Newsprint could not incite the emotion and texture that sound gave to the stories and events. Through the 1940s, radio got more people involved in electoral politics by making them feel like they were a part of the democratic process (Bartlett 91, Crowley and Heyer 225). Radio became a mass outlet for ideas and products. It cultivated the concepts of fashion and fad. The country began to view themselves as a cohesive unit, with common values, common goals, and shared ideals. When we view the media giants of NBC and CBS it is easy to believe that the radio propelled these companies to success. However, quite the opposite is true. The fact is that these companies made the radio popular rather than the radio making the companies successful. In 1916 the American Marconi Company rejected David Sarnoff for offering the idea of a home radio to provide musical entertainment (Crowley and Heyer, 234). Sarnoff would leave Marconi and spend years

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Heaven on Earth Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Heaven on Earth Case - Essay Example As already discussed, the main issue is the resolution of the problems which emerged when Jerry took over the office and modified how things were done which proves to be detrimental both in the employees and company's customers. The supervisor is seen to have the more important role in making the effort of finding a solution to the problem while employees within the foodservice department should be cooperative of the solution to be implemented. Having been given the hypothetical role of being the supervisor, the proposed solution of this project is to consult Jerry and tell him to focus on his administrative duties. It should be noted that the case clearly stipulates that his main responsibility is only on administrative tasks and he should not have control on job routines, scheduling procedures, and menu plans. It becomes apparent that Jerry is doing something outside his job description disrupting the whole system in the process. However, this should be done in a very professional manner. Even though I've only been in this branch for the past six months, I have noted your sincerity and dedication for the job together with your ability to learn new concepts and skills fast. In recognition to your excellent performance as a cook for Heaven in Earth for the past 20 years, I am happy to inform you that you are now promoted as a Red Seal Chef. Your promotion will bring in new responsibilities which I would like to discuss in details with you on Friday, 15 February around 10am. I do hope that this new position will not hinder you in taking care of my children after office hours. I will be very happy and willing to assist you with the transition. Sincerely, Jerry Dashwood Manager Critical Analysis The letter is written by the new manager in order to inform Nita Jones of her promotion. In the case analyzed, it should be noted that Jerry is very fond of Nita and among the employees in the foodservice department; the latter is most receptive of the changes which the new manager is putting in place. Thus, it is only logical to assume that Jerry will more likely promote Nita to a higher position. The letter of Jerry to Nita follows the specific format of a business letter. The letterhead of the company is used to highlight business communication. It also utilizes a block format which emphasizes professionalism. Through this, Jerry is communicating that even though he treats Nita as a friend, this letter goes beyond this friendship and captures their relationship as superior and employee. The letter should be regarded because of its being direct to the point. Instead of highlighting the friendly relationship between them, Jerry wrote professionally and with authority. He states that Nita earned her promotion because of her performance and not because of his closeness with his superior. Overall, the tone of Jerry is less cordial and formal which is right for his purpose. However, there is one sentence which should not be included in the letter. This is about Nita having enough time to take care of Jerry's kids. In business writing, personal life should always be separated from what happens inside of the office. Also, the inclusion of this sentence is not appropriate because it goes beyond the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Background of the study Essay Example for Free

Background of the study Essay Suicide is a complex issue that eludes explanation. Theories, studies and researches have been made in order to answer the many questions regarding the nature of suicide and the underlying causes why so many people commit, or even attempt, suicide: confusion, disappointment, heroic glorification, sympathy, anger, moral or religious condemnation (Cholbi, 2006). What causes a person to commit or even think of suicide? What makes a person’s behavior suicidal (Cholbi, 2006)? Is it even rational to commit suicide? During the time of Plato, philosophers argue about the rationality of suicide. Socrates, in Plato’s work Phaedo, argued that suicide is always disgraceful because one attempts to release himself from a â€Å"guard-post† which the gods placed upon him. Plato stressed that although suicide is wrong, there are some exceptions that can be regarded as a justification of suicide. The Stoics, in contrast with these theories, argued that suicide is justifiable when flourishing life is no longer available to the person (Cholbi, 2006). It was the advent of institutional Christianity the brought about the notion that suicide is morally wrong. St. Augustine argued that it is disobedience of the fifth commandment â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†. Even the Renaissance philosophers and Protestants agree to this notion about suicide. However, Protestants believed that it is possible that God treats suicide permissible and that he allows repentance. This notion prevailed into the late seventeenth century. Even John Locke believes that suicide is wrong, that God provide us with the liberty to think for ourselves but that liberty does not include the liberty to destroy ourselves (Locke 1690). The Enlightenment thinkers brought about the examination of suicide through science and psychology. They held out that suicide results from facts about individuals, their psychologies, and the social settings in which they belong to. The nineteenth and early twentieth century brought about modern developments about theories on suicide. Some romanticized these theories by defining suicide as â€Å"the inevitable response of a misunderstood and anguished soul jilted by love or shunned by society† (Liebermann 2003). Some attempted to study suicide through psychiatry. Others, and perhaps the most prevalent perspective today, view suicide as a social illness reflecting isolation, anomie and other attitudinal byproducts of modernity (Cholbi, 2006). This latter development led to a wave of institutionalization of suicidal persons (Cholbi, 2006). Today, suicide is a growing national concern. Suicide is a major cause of public health problem. More and more people die each day because of suicide. In fact, it is estimated that about 1 million people worldwide die each year from suicide (Torpy, 2005). In 2004, a total of 32,439 died by suicide in the United States while an estimate of 811,000 suicide attempts are made each year. An average of 1 person every 16. 2 minutes killed themselves. Suicide ranks as the eleventh leading cause of death in the United States as compared to homicide which ranks as fifteenth only (Macintosh, 2006). These rates may be higher since some suicide deaths may not be recorded like motor vehicle accidents that may result from suicide by the driver or deaths where the cause cannot be determined if it is suicide or murder. Among the races in the United States, from 1994-1998 Native Americans have the highest suicide rate with 12. 71 per 100,000 population followed closely by whites with 12. 61 and then African Americans with 6. 4. However, in 2004, statistics show that whites have the highest suicide rata with 24. 7 followed by the Native American with 12. 9. Males have higher risk of suicide than females. From 1994-1998, suicide rates among males were four to six times higher than females. In 2004, males still have higher suicide rates with 17. 7 than females with 4. 6. However, females have higher suicide attempt rates than males. It is estimated that three females for every one male attempt suicide each year. It is reported that suicide risk tends to increase with age. Older persons aged 65 and above have higher risk of suicide since they have a higher incidence of depression and have greater use of lethal weapons. However, suicide among adolescents is a major cause of death. It is, in fact, the third leading cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 24 (cite). Out of the 32,439 suicide cases in the US in 2004, 4,316 were aged between 15 and 24. An average of 1 young person every 2 hours and 2. 1 minutes killed himself (Macintosh, 2006). Experts say that for every teenager that dies of suicide, ten other teenagers attempt to commit suicide. In a survey done by the National Youth Prevention Resource Center, it was found that about one in five teenagers have thought of suicide, about one in six made plans to commit suicide, and more than one in twelve attempted suicide. Because of the alarming cases of suicide, suicide prevention is made a bureaucratic and medical occupation. Many studies were conducted to understand the underlying causes of suicide and suicidal behavior in order to determine appropriate solutions to prevent suicide cases and attempts. The suicide problem is complex ranging from psychological to social and even religious factors. As mentioned previously, studying suicide through psychology helps determine the relationship between suicide and the state and characteristics of the human mind and behavior. Through psychology, reasons why certain groups such as adolescents and young adults have higher suicide potential than others can be understood. Adolescence is considered as a crucial stage because it is the time a person experiences a lot of changes, where abstract thinking, law of morality, and ideology are developed (Christie Viner, 2005). During this stage, the adolescent is starting to develop acceptance ideas and reactions to situations. Because of this, they are easily influenced making them vulnerable to disappointing situations that may result to depression and consequently, suicide. According to Bennet (1994), adolescents and young adults with history of depression, a previous suicide attempt, a family history of psychiatric disorders, family disruption, and certain chronic or debilitating physical disorders or psychiatric illness are at higher risk of committing or attempting suicide. Among these factors, depression was found out to be the most common clinical syndrome of suicidal behavior (Petrie Chamberlain, 1983)and approximately 66 percent of those who attempted suicide have depressive symptoms (Rich, Sherman, Fowler, 1990). Psychological pains are commonly caused by sociological factors such as exposure to suicide or suicide attempts, relationships, and interactions among the member of the society and may increase the potential of having suicidal behaviors thus psychology and sociology are interrelated disciplines when it comes to determining the causes of suicide. Sociology encompasses several issues such as culture, media, peer, family, demographics, ethnicity, and socioeconomics that may influence the behavior and thinking of adolescents and young adults. Adolescents are part of the society and the interactions occurring into it such as friendship. Friends and peers are parts of the social network and is one of the central contexts for adolescents (Bearman Moody, 2004). Adolescents who are still at the stage of finding their identity needed strong association and belonging and that isolation from peers leads to lower estimations of self-worth and self confidence (Tani, Chavez, Deffenbacher, 2001). Media is also a strong influence on adolescents and young adults. Young people are very much exposed to popular media such as television, radio, movies, Internet, and reading materials. Since they are at the stage where they are easily influenced, they tend to copy the values and actions depicted by what they see in the media. Religious beliefs and practices influence the behavior and thinking of most people including the young adults. Religion is considered as a significant part of peoples way of living, resulting to various beliefs about issues. It is perceived that the more a person is religiously committed; he is more likely to avoid suicide since suicide is considered to be a mortal sin for most religions. Kendler et. al. (2003) found that some dimensions of religiosity are related to reduced risk of particular psychiatric disorders. Malone et. al.(2000) also suggests that religion can provide reasons for living. This allows people experiencing depressive episodes to be more optimistic about life, reducing the feeling of hopelessness and thus reducing the risk of committing suicide. Dervic et. al. (2004) supports this notion by suggesting that religious affiliation is associated with less suicidal behavior in depressed patients and that religiously affiliated subjects may function as protective factors against suicide attempts (p. 2303). Thus, religion is a major factor that can impact a person’s suicidal behavior. Researches have been made regarding the psychological, sociological and religious aspects of suicide. However, there is a lack of research connecting these three aspects. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine suicide through linking psychological, sociological and religious perspectives on suicide. First, earlier research studies relating to each discipline will be examined. Then each discipline will be compared to the other two. Studying suicide through an interdisciplinary approach will help in giving a wider perspective and understanding about the underlying causes of suicide. It will also help in determining appropriate solutions in order to prevent suicide and to help those who have already attempted suicide. Possible solutions that might be determined will not just help suicidal persons psychologically but in all aspects as well, that is, mentally, physically and spiritually. The study is limited to the data and studies made by earlier researchers about adolescent suicide. The scope of the study is broad and attempts to address important issues and developments from each discipline based on earlier researches.