Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Heaven on Earth Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Heaven on Earth Case - Essay Example As already discussed, the main issue is the resolution of the problems which emerged when Jerry took over the office and modified how things were done which proves to be detrimental both in the employees and company's customers. The supervisor is seen to have the more important role in making the effort of finding a solution to the problem while employees within the foodservice department should be cooperative of the solution to be implemented. Having been given the hypothetical role of being the supervisor, the proposed solution of this project is to consult Jerry and tell him to focus on his administrative duties. It should be noted that the case clearly stipulates that his main responsibility is only on administrative tasks and he should not have control on job routines, scheduling procedures, and menu plans. It becomes apparent that Jerry is doing something outside his job description disrupting the whole system in the process. However, this should be done in a very professional manner. Even though I've only been in this branch for the past six months, I have noted your sincerity and dedication for the job together with your ability to learn new concepts and skills fast. In recognition to your excellent performance as a cook for Heaven in Earth for the past 20 years, I am happy to inform you that you are now promoted as a Red Seal Chef. Your promotion will bring in new responsibilities which I would like to discuss in details with you on Friday, 15 February around 10am. I do hope that this new position will not hinder you in taking care of my children after office hours. I will be very happy and willing to assist you with the transition. Sincerely, Jerry Dashwood Manager Critical Analysis The letter is written by the new manager in order to inform Nita Jones of her promotion. In the case analyzed, it should be noted that Jerry is very fond of Nita and among the employees in the foodservice department; the latter is most receptive of the changes which the new manager is putting in place. Thus, it is only logical to assume that Jerry will more likely promote Nita to a higher position. The letter of Jerry to Nita follows the specific format of a business letter. The letterhead of the company is used to highlight business communication. It also utilizes a block format which emphasizes professionalism. Through this, Jerry is communicating that even though he treats Nita as a friend, this letter goes beyond this friendship and captures their relationship as superior and employee. The letter should be regarded because of its being direct to the point. Instead of highlighting the friendly relationship between them, Jerry wrote professionally and with authority. He states that Nita earned her promotion because of her performance and not because of his closeness with his superior. Overall, the tone of Jerry is less cordial and formal which is right for his purpose. However, there is one sentence which should not be included in the letter. This is about Nita having enough time to take care of Jerry's kids. In business writing, personal life should always be separated from what happens inside of the office. Also, the inclusion of this sentence is not appropriate because it goes beyond the

Monday, October 28, 2019

Background of the study Essay Example for Free

Background of the study Essay Suicide is a complex issue that eludes explanation. Theories, studies and researches have been made in order to answer the many questions regarding the nature of suicide and the underlying causes why so many people commit, or even attempt, suicide: confusion, disappointment, heroic glorification, sympathy, anger, moral or religious condemnation (Cholbi, 2006). What causes a person to commit or even think of suicide? What makes a person’s behavior suicidal (Cholbi, 2006)? Is it even rational to commit suicide? During the time of Plato, philosophers argue about the rationality of suicide. Socrates, in Plato’s work Phaedo, argued that suicide is always disgraceful because one attempts to release himself from a â€Å"guard-post† which the gods placed upon him. Plato stressed that although suicide is wrong, there are some exceptions that can be regarded as a justification of suicide. The Stoics, in contrast with these theories, argued that suicide is justifiable when flourishing life is no longer available to the person (Cholbi, 2006). It was the advent of institutional Christianity the brought about the notion that suicide is morally wrong. St. Augustine argued that it is disobedience of the fifth commandment â€Å"Thou shalt not kill†. Even the Renaissance philosophers and Protestants agree to this notion about suicide. However, Protestants believed that it is possible that God treats suicide permissible and that he allows repentance. This notion prevailed into the late seventeenth century. Even John Locke believes that suicide is wrong, that God provide us with the liberty to think for ourselves but that liberty does not include the liberty to destroy ourselves (Locke 1690). The Enlightenment thinkers brought about the examination of suicide through science and psychology. They held out that suicide results from facts about individuals, their psychologies, and the social settings in which they belong to. The nineteenth and early twentieth century brought about modern developments about theories on suicide. Some romanticized these theories by defining suicide as â€Å"the inevitable response of a misunderstood and anguished soul jilted by love or shunned by society† (Liebermann 2003). Some attempted to study suicide through psychiatry. Others, and perhaps the most prevalent perspective today, view suicide as a social illness reflecting isolation, anomie and other attitudinal byproducts of modernity (Cholbi, 2006). This latter development led to a wave of institutionalization of suicidal persons (Cholbi, 2006). Today, suicide is a growing national concern. Suicide is a major cause of public health problem. More and more people die each day because of suicide. In fact, it is estimated that about 1 million people worldwide die each year from suicide (Torpy, 2005). In 2004, a total of 32,439 died by suicide in the United States while an estimate of 811,000 suicide attempts are made each year. An average of 1 person every 16. 2 minutes killed themselves. Suicide ranks as the eleventh leading cause of death in the United States as compared to homicide which ranks as fifteenth only (Macintosh, 2006). These rates may be higher since some suicide deaths may not be recorded like motor vehicle accidents that may result from suicide by the driver or deaths where the cause cannot be determined if it is suicide or murder. Among the races in the United States, from 1994-1998 Native Americans have the highest suicide rate with 12. 71 per 100,000 population followed closely by whites with 12. 61 and then African Americans with 6. 4. However, in 2004, statistics show that whites have the highest suicide rata with 24. 7 followed by the Native American with 12. 9. Males have higher risk of suicide than females. From 1994-1998, suicide rates among males were four to six times higher than females. In 2004, males still have higher suicide rates with 17. 7 than females with 4. 6. However, females have higher suicide attempt rates than males. It is estimated that three females for every one male attempt suicide each year. It is reported that suicide risk tends to increase with age. Older persons aged 65 and above have higher risk of suicide since they have a higher incidence of depression and have greater use of lethal weapons. However, suicide among adolescents is a major cause of death. It is, in fact, the third leading cause of death among people between the ages of 15 and 24 (cite). Out of the 32,439 suicide cases in the US in 2004, 4,316 were aged between 15 and 24. An average of 1 young person every 2 hours and 2. 1 minutes killed himself (Macintosh, 2006). Experts say that for every teenager that dies of suicide, ten other teenagers attempt to commit suicide. In a survey done by the National Youth Prevention Resource Center, it was found that about one in five teenagers have thought of suicide, about one in six made plans to commit suicide, and more than one in twelve attempted suicide. Because of the alarming cases of suicide, suicide prevention is made a bureaucratic and medical occupation. Many studies were conducted to understand the underlying causes of suicide and suicidal behavior in order to determine appropriate solutions to prevent suicide cases and attempts. The suicide problem is complex ranging from psychological to social and even religious factors. As mentioned previously, studying suicide through psychology helps determine the relationship between suicide and the state and characteristics of the human mind and behavior. Through psychology, reasons why certain groups such as adolescents and young adults have higher suicide potential than others can be understood. Adolescence is considered as a crucial stage because it is the time a person experiences a lot of changes, where abstract thinking, law of morality, and ideology are developed (Christie Viner, 2005). During this stage, the adolescent is starting to develop acceptance ideas and reactions to situations. Because of this, they are easily influenced making them vulnerable to disappointing situations that may result to depression and consequently, suicide. According to Bennet (1994), adolescents and young adults with history of depression, a previous suicide attempt, a family history of psychiatric disorders, family disruption, and certain chronic or debilitating physical disorders or psychiatric illness are at higher risk of committing or attempting suicide. Among these factors, depression was found out to be the most common clinical syndrome of suicidal behavior (Petrie Chamberlain, 1983)and approximately 66 percent of those who attempted suicide have depressive symptoms (Rich, Sherman, Fowler, 1990). Psychological pains are commonly caused by sociological factors such as exposure to suicide or suicide attempts, relationships, and interactions among the member of the society and may increase the potential of having suicidal behaviors thus psychology and sociology are interrelated disciplines when it comes to determining the causes of suicide. Sociology encompasses several issues such as culture, media, peer, family, demographics, ethnicity, and socioeconomics that may influence the behavior and thinking of adolescents and young adults. Adolescents are part of the society and the interactions occurring into it such as friendship. Friends and peers are parts of the social network and is one of the central contexts for adolescents (Bearman Moody, 2004). Adolescents who are still at the stage of finding their identity needed strong association and belonging and that isolation from peers leads to lower estimations of self-worth and self confidence (Tani, Chavez, Deffenbacher, 2001). Media is also a strong influence on adolescents and young adults. Young people are very much exposed to popular media such as television, radio, movies, Internet, and reading materials. Since they are at the stage where they are easily influenced, they tend to copy the values and actions depicted by what they see in the media. Religious beliefs and practices influence the behavior and thinking of most people including the young adults. Religion is considered as a significant part of peoples way of living, resulting to various beliefs about issues. It is perceived that the more a person is religiously committed; he is more likely to avoid suicide since suicide is considered to be a mortal sin for most religions. Kendler et. al. (2003) found that some dimensions of religiosity are related to reduced risk of particular psychiatric disorders. Malone et. al.(2000) also suggests that religion can provide reasons for living. This allows people experiencing depressive episodes to be more optimistic about life, reducing the feeling of hopelessness and thus reducing the risk of committing suicide. Dervic et. al. (2004) supports this notion by suggesting that religious affiliation is associated with less suicidal behavior in depressed patients and that religiously affiliated subjects may function as protective factors against suicide attempts (p. 2303). Thus, religion is a major factor that can impact a person’s suicidal behavior. Researches have been made regarding the psychological, sociological and religious aspects of suicide. However, there is a lack of research connecting these three aspects. Thus, the purpose of this study is to examine suicide through linking psychological, sociological and religious perspectives on suicide. First, earlier research studies relating to each discipline will be examined. Then each discipline will be compared to the other two. Studying suicide through an interdisciplinary approach will help in giving a wider perspective and understanding about the underlying causes of suicide. It will also help in determining appropriate solutions in order to prevent suicide and to help those who have already attempted suicide. Possible solutions that might be determined will not just help suicidal persons psychologically but in all aspects as well, that is, mentally, physically and spiritually. The study is limited to the data and studies made by earlier researchers about adolescent suicide. The scope of the study is broad and attempts to address important issues and developments from each discipline based on earlier researches.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Free College Essays - The Evil of Mankind portrayed in Melville’s Moby Dick :: Moby Dick Essays

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Melville’s primary focus in his classic novel Moby Dick is the evil of mankind, a point of focus consistent with his anti-Transcendental philosophical alignment.   In Moby Dick, Melville illistrates man’s feelings of evil toward fellow man and nature through his thoroughly developed plot and character.   Melville also illistrated this in the components of the thematic layer which, underlies almost every character’s personal motives.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Analysis of Melville’s own motives helps to clarify the author’s reasoning behind each of the examples of man’s evil in his novel.   In order to fully understand his anti-Transcendental belief, it is necessary to first comprehend the origin of anti-Transcendentalism.   Transcendentalism is the term linked to the Emersonian-Thoreauvian set of beliefs, which incorporated the existence of an Oversoul and the benevolent disposition of man as the default soul.   Melville and others like him was opposed to the Transcendental views.   The natural opposition to a theory of man’s general benevolence is one of his malevolence toward everything around him; the primary idea behind anti-Transcendentalism was all human people have a capacity for evil and that, given the proper circumstances, the evil in anyone would come forth in their actions.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   The plot and characters of Moby Dick contribute to its anti-Transcendental philosophy; the entire story revolves around the evil of man, which is demonstrated in practically each person portrayed in the book.   The story itself is about man being pitted against nature, as though the two were never meant to coincide peacefully.   The men on the ship must fend for themselves against the harsh maritime weather and the believably evil whales which they hunt.   Natural forces ravage the population of the whaling vessel; in the end, only the narrator survives.   In turn, man is reciprocally evil toward nature; the men destroy the giant sea creatures for their blubber and drop the stripped carcasses back into the water.   In addition to this collective evil of the people on the ship, many of the individuals are shining examples of humanity’s evil themselves.   Captain Ahab, the primary character in the book, makes the sole dedication in his life one of vengeance on the great white whale after which the novel was named.   Ahab does, at times, show that he has a less wicked side (signified by the scar that seemingly divides his body into two separate people), but in the end, the evil half of him overcomes his goodness.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) :: essays research papers

Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109) Table of Contents (Clicking on the links below will take you to that part of this article) * Life * Philosophical Writings * Theology Life The father of medieval scholasticism and one of the most eminent of English prelates was born at Aost Piedmont in 1033. Anselm died at Canterbury, England on April 21, 1109. While a boy he wished to be a monk, but his father forbade it. When he was about twenty-three Anselm left home to live in Burgundy and France. After three years he went to Bec in Normandy where his celebrated countryman, Lanfranc, was prior. Here he became a monk (1060). He succeeded Lanfranc as prior in 1063, and became abbot in 1078. The abbey had possessions in England, which called Anselm frequently to that country. He was the general choice for archbishop of Canterbury when Lanfranc died (1089). However, the king, William Rufus, preferred to keep the office vacant, and apply its revenues to his own use. In 1093 William fell ill and, literally forced Anselm to receive an appointment at his hands. He was consecrated December 4 of that year. The next four years witnessed a continual struggle between king and ar chbishop over money matters, rights, and privileges. Anselm wished to carry his case to Rome, and in 1097, with much difficulty, obtained permission from the king to go. At Rome he was honored and flattered, but he obtained little practical help in his struggle with the king. He returned to England as soon is he heard of the death of William in 1100. But a difficulty arose over lay investiture and homage from clerics for their benefices. Thought a mild and meek man, Anselm had adopted the Gregorian views of the relation between Church and State, and adhered to them with the steadiness of conscientious conviction. The king, though inclined to be conciliatory, was equally firm from motives of self-interest. He had a high regard for Anselm, always treated him with much consideration, and personal relations between them were generally friendly. Nevertheless there was much vexatious disputing, several fruitless embassies were sent to Rome, and Anselm himself went thither in 1103, remaini ng abroad till 1106. His quarrel with the king was settled by compromise in 1107 and the brief remaining period of his life was peaceful. He was canonized in 1494. Back to Table of Contents Philosophical Writings As a metaphysician Anselm was a realist, and one of his earliest works, De fide Trinitatis, was an attack on the doctrine of the Trinity as expounded by the nominalist Roscelin.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Being Unemployed Can Cause People

Being unemployed can cause people to lose their self-respectPopulation in Indonesia each year increases, also it is increasing the number of working-age, but it is not offset by the icrease in job vacancy. Large population of productive-age amount is not comparable with the extent job vacancy of unemployment, it also gave rise to social ills such as: robber, begger, pickpockets, vagrant, etc. Based on Psychological aspect, unemployment relative don’t have confidence in theirselves, it can be described on several examples : People who have a higher education but have not got a job, unemployment that caused by laid-off-employment (PHK), and people who don’t have any skills and low education. People who have a higher education but have not got a job, it because of some reasons: first they haven’t got a chance, second the job vacancy is not match with their education and the expertise that they had. It may not be a problem for a while but longer this causes Psychological insecurity for them, especially when dealing with friends who are already successful. Unemployment that caused by laid-off-employment (PHK) also trigger them to lose their self-respect. It causes Psychological burden that is shame because dischanged then they hard to get job again. It made them feel supressed by any condition. People who don’t have any skills and low education. This is a kind of people are relatively difficult to get a job either they want or deserve, it because they hard to adapt with the environment and lack of relation. In this case , skill and relation are important. From the examples above: People who have a higher education but have not got a job, Unemployment that caused by laid-off-employment (PHK), and People who don’t have any skills and low education, those are causes unemployment loses their self-respect. As you know that skills, education, relation and environment are the main capital in getting a job. Those not only who don’t have the skill or education as needed but also don’t have any relations or education will not have an opportunity to get a job. So, if we don’t want to be unemployment, from now on we should study hard, make a good relation as much as we can, and handle our emotion to avoid self-respect become our personality. Then, if we have been being unemployment, we should believe our skill, don’t ever give up with our condition, and learn from anyone or anything around us.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Research Paper-Privacy essays

Research Paper-Privacy essays Advances in technology and new emerging technology have caused many privacy advocate groups, such as the American Civil Liberties Union, to start voicing real concerns about privacy.(no your not paranoid p. 512) Powerful surveillance equipment such as face recognition software and programs used by website owners to monitor where people go on their websites, have caused much controversy.(The Issues p. 509) Also newer technology like genetic information, which has no real laws safeguarding its privacy has raised real concern among lawmakers.(Fighting Genetic Discrimination p. 522) Many laws are present to protect citizens from the government, i.e. the bill of rights, but no laws exist to protect the consumer from large companies. This lack of protections has put many consumers in a dangerous position, while lawmakers fail to keep up with emerging technology businesses are profiting.(Data-Collection p.958) We should be worried about this, agrees Mary Griffin, counsel for the Consumers U nion of the United States. People just dont know how little privacy protection they have when it comes to this stuff. (qtd. in Data-Collection p.958) Many Americans take privacy for granted they often expect it to be respected everywhere. Though this has not always been the case. During the lives of our founding fathers there was less privacy than one would think of today. In many towns and villages there were laws prohibiting individuals from living alone. (Background p.516) According to Patrick Marshall of CQ Researcher records in Middlesex Country, Mass. have shown that courts ordered the search of residences looking for single persons in 1668. He also adds that during the 1600s and 1700s there were no ceilings over rooms in many towns like Boston so what was said could be heard by all. During the construction of our constitution there was only concern over the government invading privacy so it was not un...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Horror, Horror essays

Horror, Horror essays H.P. Lovecrafts the oldest and the strongest emotion of mankind is fear of unknown may be told within a different context and content, in spite of that it implies the real J. Conrads Heart of Darkness is a kind of story about unknown, that is more violent and different from the fear, but releases the horror. Although it can be related with ethic and colonialism by a conjunction its more about the characters themselves entirely. Although colonialists (the self) tried to rotate Africa to a symbolic frame to be named. Africa was the other, which could not be described, tamed and familiarized, so couldnt be expired, reversed binary oppositions of the West. Africa is neither A or nor B, but uncanny where the rational and irrational, named and unnamed, evil and good, sane and insane was got together, and with its characters it made colonialist confused because of even not knowing their (the self) places and side. So its a shallow, dark, wild and dreadful part which is neccesarry to destr oy to be named. African people is so distant to western oriented culture and society as if theyre aliens of a distant planet. Think of Marlow and others descriptions, are remarkable about the savages and the nature of Africa. (Laterly, this weirdly wild and fearful nature of Africa will represent the soul of Kuntz). Colonists went in order to attack, exploit and tame, but the nature of the invaded one didnt permit that. The self is described with the other. Their extinction is related to each other mutually. West describes itself with what it is not so. But in the heart of darkness where there is no prohibitions, princibles, ethics, procedurs, etc. but only primitive nature of mankind and basic desires such as violence, survival, sexuality, and emotions like hate and fear, how will the self describes and establishes itself against the other Probably the self and the other will be the sa...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on My Rules For Success

and meaning coming from all t... Free Essays on My Rules For Success Free Essays on My Rules For Success The Rules of Success Everyone know the three rules of real estate. location, location, location! In business the three rules of success are: communication, communication, communication! 1. Communication with employees 2. Communication with executive team 3. Communication with customers Every chapter of this book is built on this basic need to communicate. A business needs to communicate all aspects of its business to all of the participating members. Communicating with employees is the most difficult aspect of most organizations. The common feeling is, we hire them, they do what we want. To a point. Sometimes you don't know what you want, or maybe what you want is not really the best thing for the business. You must begin to encourage, support, and embrace communication with, to, and from your employees, who have the greatest knowledge of what is really happening. When you listen to the employees you will learn more than you ever imagined. When you listen, and when you communicate your understanding of what they have told you, they will see that they are recognized as valuable partners in the business. Your simple act of listening and communicating back to your employees will bring you more highly motivated employees as well as employees who will begin to think more creatively and more strategically. Communicating with your executive team is critical for ensuring that they articulate and communicate the company's message and values to the employees. It is with your executive team that you develop your communication strategies and policy statements. When you clearly communicate your vision to your executive team and when they are able to understand and espouse your message, you are well on your way to a successful company. Now that your entire team shares a common language the team can and will speak with one voice. It is very important for customers and for all employees to hear the same words and meaning coming from all t...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Police Entrapment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Police Entrapment - Research Paper Example So it can be established that any act performed with the motive of damaging the framed jurisdiction can be phrased as Entrapment (Stitt & James, April 1984, pp. 111-112). In an entrapment activity police creates the favorable conditions for the commission of offense. But in this note it is to be mentioned that the offender does not play any such vital role. This act is majorly carried down entirely by the police itself. They are basically a ratification of laws making illegal acts which many people had addressed as â€Å"victimless crimes†. In order to prevent these inexcusable acts various special law enforcement agencies had been established with a view of preventing theses crimes as they did not result into complaints from the victimized. In this connection Dempsey and Forst (2013) said, â€Å"Inducement is the key word; when police encouragement plays upon the weakness of the innocent persons and beguiles them into committing crimes they normally would not attempt, it can be deemed improper because it is entrapment and the evidence is barred under the exclusionary rule†. It has been also said that entrapment is a confirmatory defense and can be easily raised at trial. It is based on certain belief where people should not be persuaded of a defense that is completely initiated by the government. It on the whole arises when the government representatives implant the seed with an intention of crime. This view on the contrary hold another prospective where it has been explained that by simply giving a person an opportunity of committing a crime cannot simply subjected to entrapment (Dempsey, Forst, 2013, pp. 151). Evidences specified that entrapment by police was not a new concept. It laid its root way back during 1959s where unjustified acts were forced to be proved as justified by the police. A case in USA gave rise to a revamped consideration of the defense of entrapment. The country witnessed many cases of entrapment by police then. The crime w as broadening at a remarkable speed. There also it was observed that the victims did not complain. It became mandatory for the law to take action against it. In order to prevent the criminal issues the government itself took initiative and actions. It strengthened the rule regarding entrapment activities. The police force being doubled it had been still impossible to execute the laws regarding entrapment. Special work forces like informers, special employees were deployed by the government for the evacuation of a crime as entrapment but the purpose did not get solved. There had been evidences which specified in some situations it became difficult for a police or official to make arrest for any of the crime just detailed. But in contrast there were cases too which witnessed that the answers regarding the enforcement law determined that in large measure opinions were with respect to the defense of entrapment. It was explained that one who opposed the categorization of crimes would cir cuitously hold up the concept of entrapment by police and thus would authorize its more repeated incantation (Williams, 1959, pp. 405). In addition to all this entrapment had also been referred as a proactive law enforcement strategy. This remark was made as because its dimensions included reactive strategies such as complaints investigation. Police entrapment followed series of under covered operatives

Friday, October 18, 2019

Case 2- Relevant Information for Decision Making Essay

Case 2- Relevant Information for Decision Making - Essay Example These decisions are based on many calculations, based on estimates and actual figures, prepared by the management accountants. One of the most appropriate approaches for decision making is ‘decision-relevant approach’. (Drury, 2004) In this paper, we have analyzed the given data using decision relevant approach. The first step in this approach was to identify the relevant and irrelevant costs of both the alternatives for comparison basis. As described by Drury, relevant costs and revenues are that income and expenses that are affected in the future because of making any decision. (Drury, 2004) 1) Direct Material Cost is a relevant cost for decision making, because if the outsourcing decision is taken, then no such costs will be incurred by BMC. Further, since there is no future obligation of the existing direct materials’ contracts, therefore, no penalties or future obligations will be imposed on BMC on termination of these contracts. This means that direct material cost is taken as a relevant cost in calculating the total expense of manufacturing Global System navigator (GPSN), and no impact is taken to calculate the total expenses of outsourcing the production (buying from a contractor). 2) Direct Labor Cost is also a relevant cost for decision making because if the decision for outsourcing the production of GPSNs will be taken no such costs will be incurred. However, because of termination of the employment contracts, BMC will have to pay penalties of $66,000 annually for four years. Therefore, direct labor cost per unit is taken as the part of cost of manufacturing GPSN, whereas $ 5,500 is added in the monthly outsourcing expense ($66,000/12). 3) As it is given in the given data that because of failing quality control 2% of the units produced are discarded. Therefore, in order to meet the need for 8,000 products in a month 8,327 units should be manufactured by BMC. However, in case of outsourcing, BMC will buy 8,000 units from Far East Enterprises

Compare&contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Compare&contrast - Essay Example Though I love writing, yet I used to feel handicapped where expression, translating and grammar were concerned. However, I did not lose heart but tried my best to keep up with it, by widening my vocabulary and clearing major doubts with my professors who were so encouraging. Gradually, as time went by I found that there was positive improvement both in my speech as well as writing abilities. When comparing the two languages, I came across many major contrasts between them and this is the reason why a Chinese person speaks English in a different manner. One such contrast between the two is the use of verb endings such as ‘ed’ or ‘ing’ which is not found in the Chinese language and this makes it difficult to use a sentence with the correct tense. Another major contrast I found was the use of articles like ‘the’ and ‘a’ especially when used in front of a noun. For example, an English speaking person would say – ‘The mango is good’ while a Chinese person would say – ‘Mango is good’. Another challenging aspect when comparing both languages is the use of ‘s’ for plurals in English. This is not the case in Chinese because they convey number based on the context of their sentences. There are also major contrasts where pronunciation and sounds are concerned. The sounds in the Chinese language do not exist in the English language and vice versa. These and many other contrasts really pose very challenging to international students but as we make ourselves more familiar with the language it becomes much easier. In the beginning, it seemed a hard task to write with good expression and not make mistakes but Professor Waluconis has been so patient and encouraging and I feel satisfied that I learned a lot from his classes. I have learned how to organize my thoughts and write a thesis statement which brings out the main ideas in a piece of writing. My speaking and writing abilities

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The World of Work Skills Certificate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The World of Work Skills Certificate - Essay Example I am attracted to structural designing in light of the fact that I like the thought of molding my general surroundings to meet the requests without bounds. I seek after a testing profession which I will discover expressly compensating and have the capacity to feel that I have given something back to the society. Â  Scholastically, science has dependably been my primary intrigue and is the territory in which I am generally capable. I delighted in science, specifically finding out about human effect on nature. In any case, amid my grades in school, I understood that my advantage lay more profound in maths and material science. I delighted in the critical thinking included inside of my subjects and the way a genuine circumstance could be communicated and controlled scientifically. What I discovered especially fascinating was relating what had learned in the classroom to genuine circumstances, which is the thing that gave me more enthusiasm for structural building - the request of a testing profession where I would have the chance to hypothetically take care of issues and essentially apply answers for beneficially affect my general surroundings. Â  Amid my whole year, I have had a few work experience positions in different gifted exchanges, for example, building and joinery. Through joinery, I picked up energy about the requirement for precise outline and development, and in addition a learning of the employment of wood as a building material. In spite of the fact that a significant part of the building work I have attempted was in development, I observed it to be the priceless experience. For instance, whilst building a carport I learned about the significance of good outline and having so as to arrange to translate the plans keeping in mind the end goal to decide what number of blocks would be required.

Asterios Polyp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Asterios Polyp - Essay Example He says that he is incomplete because he lacks the companionship of his twin brother. The lack in his life prompt him to act in strange behaviors. His realization that he had a twin brother worsen his life as he is bothered more than bring the chapter to a close. He says ‘would he have been just like me? Better than me, worse than me’ (Mazzucchelli). These things made him fell never satisfied with all the thing that he did. Moreover, in his analysis of duality, Asterios argues that in the beginning there were three gender; female, male and a combination of male and female. The split of the third gender borne a mirror of each and created a void that love certainly seek to fill. Asterios tries to understand why people separate and the motive behind love and search for completion (Mazzucchelli). The use of narrative and visual images are so well connected in search for missing element in people’s life so as to find the pieces that will complete their lives. Through visual, the author uses the theme of unity, symmetry and geometry and explains why circumstances if life are of different shape and not a dichotomy of two symmetrical or parallel experience (Mazzucchelli). The difference of the way he represent the character is synonymous with diversity. Each character has his or her own font, color and the text bubble shapes. Furthermore, characters are demonstrated as representative of their character. Hana is such a beautiful women drawn in purples to represent adoration. On the other hand, Asterios has his head and body shaped like a machine and also in two dimension to show his views of the world. He is always questions the existence and judgment of other people. Asterios does not believe in other people’s opinions and have a counter argument for every statemen t made to him. One of the most important thing that the author did when writing the Asterios Polyp is the use

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

The World of Work Skills Certificate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The World of Work Skills Certificate - Essay Example I am attracted to structural designing in light of the fact that I like the thought of molding my general surroundings to meet the requests without bounds. I seek after a testing profession which I will discover expressly compensating and have the capacity to feel that I have given something back to the society. Â  Scholastically, science has dependably been my primary intrigue and is the territory in which I am generally capable. I delighted in science, specifically finding out about human effect on nature. In any case, amid my grades in school, I understood that my advantage lay more profound in maths and material science. I delighted in the critical thinking included inside of my subjects and the way a genuine circumstance could be communicated and controlled scientifically. What I discovered especially fascinating was relating what had learned in the classroom to genuine circumstances, which is the thing that gave me more enthusiasm for structural building - the request of a testing profession where I would have the chance to hypothetically take care of issues and essentially apply answers for beneficially affect my general surroundings. Â  Amid my whole year, I have had a few work experience positions in different gifted exchanges, for example, building and joinery. Through joinery, I picked up energy about the requirement for precise outline and development, and in addition a learning of the employment of wood as a building material. In spite of the fact that a significant part of the building work I have attempted was in development, I observed it to be the priceless experience. For instance, whilst building a carport I learned about the significance of good outline and having so as to arrange to translate the plans keeping in mind the end goal to decide what number of blocks would be required.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Night, mother by Marsha Norman Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Night, mother by Marsha Norman - Research Paper Example Basing on the plot, we can’t but consider a â€Å"Night, motherâ€Å" to be a dramatic writing. Jessie is so exhausted and upset, her life is so terrible that she considers death to be the blessing. She just wants â€Å"to rest† and the only place she can find calm and rest is another world. Jessie simply can’t see the reasons to live further, she can’t see anything in her life that could hold her to live. Thus her decision seems to be easy to take. â€Å"Jessie knows she could choose to live rather than to die, but she lacks the appetite for the choice† (Burkman). At the same time, we can admit that Jessie’s actions can be motivated by the desire to revenge her mother. Thus, we should also analyze Jessie’ s nature. From this point of view she seems not to be an unhappy victim, but an unforgiving creature. Here Jessie seems to be selfish as she made her mother go through very difficult ninety minutes. Moreover, she warned her about h er intentions and this seems to be done deliberately to make her suffer. We can admit that an unhappy woman parted from her beloved husband, suffering from illness, just turn into a neurotic creature that needs revenge. Really, suicides are never committed only because of despair, the motivation is usually closely connected with the desire to revenge. Thus, we can assume that manipulation is the motivation of Jessie, her main focus. Actually, her mother deserves that. Her mother is too childish, she concentrated her attention only on her own wishes. â€Å"â€Å"Mama hums a tune as she stretches to reach the cupcakes in a cabinet in the kitchen. She can’t see them, but she can feel around for them, and she’s eager to have one, so she’s working pretty hard at it. This may be the most serious exercise Mama ever gets† (Norman 9)†. She is so self-centered that can’t notice the state of her daughter and Jessie can’t find a key to her heart. The dialogues held by a mother and her daughter are very important in the play. A spectator can learn much from these dialogues. By means of different phrases mother and daughter try to reach their goals. Jessie tries to give her mother hints about her real intentions by specifying the locations of different household items: "I asked you if you wanted that swimming towel and you said you didn't" (Norman 19). This was daughter’s answer to the mother’s question that was asked to reveal her intentions. By means of such phrases with hidden sense Jessie manipulates her mother that is why some critics think that Jessie’s main intention was to manipulate. If she simply said: â€Å"mom, I am going to commit suicide†, it would not have such a result. She makes her mother afraid and worried and this is her decision as she wants her mother finally to pay attention to her and her problems. She is exhausted because she feels outcast and left alone with her

Clark International Airport Corporation Essay Example for Free

Clark International Airport Corporation Essay Abandoning the largest U.S. Air Force Base outside of the continental United States back in 1991 was not an easy task for America. Given the countless industrial/commercial buildings, residential quarters, officers homes, manicured golf courses, road network, two, huge 3.2-kilometer parallel runways capable of landing the space shuttle and over 100 years of U.S. occupation, it quite-possibly would have been easier to pull all the teeth of the resident Generals on-base than to abandon all that Clark Air Base had become to the U. S. Military. This decision to evacuate was not made unilaterally though. Mt Pinatubo had a say in the matter spewing a thick blanket of ash throughout the base. The Philippine Senate also had its input regarding the 100 year U.S. occupation, and, during September 1991, convinced America to turn its back on billions of dollars of infrastructure when they rejected the ratification of the RP-US Military Bases Agreement. Numerous reasons were given for the rejection of this treaty. This was a destructive blow to the Aquino administration, which was very-strongly in favor of maintaining the treaty and the presence of the U.S. Military with its economic benefit to the country. She even called for a referendum by the Filipino people that was later determined as unconstitutional. Several years later, the former US Air Force Military Airlift Wing is now experiencing some major and exciting transformational processes, all without the presence or assistance of a super power. Since 1996, as a subsidiary of the Bases Conversion Development Authority (BCDA), the runways, airport buildings, infrastructure and surrounding areas of this former military installation is managed by and in the capable-hands of the Clark International Airport Corporation (CIAC). From the beginning of the transformation, CIAC has provided the organizational and management arm for the daunting job of transforming a former military airfield into a world-class international airport and logistics hub. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, in recognition of her father and former president of the Philippines, renamed the facility, Diosdado Macapagal International Airport (DMIA). Today it stands in honor to her father’s past administration and as a bright hope to current and future generations as a newly revitalized Philippine gateway, providing sustained commercial, industrial and tourism growth in the face of a new world economy. From humble beginnings in 2003 of only 7,880 international passengers, to over half a million passengers making their way through DMIA in 2007, this airport is an overwhelming success story in all of Asian airport history. As the long-term plans for this facility to be the premier gateway of the Philippines progress, projected estimates range from 20 million to 40 million passengers passing-through the new DMIA annually at fruition of the project. On October 29, 2003, Asiana Airlines had the honor to be the first airline to established international flights in and out of Clark. These flights brought tourists and businessmen to and from Incheon, South Korea. This initiated a new wave of international flights that has blossomed-forth ever since. Some of the international destinations currently being serviced from DMIA include Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia, Macau, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Seoul Korea. Cebu, Caticlan are the current domestic travel offerings at Clark Airport. South Korean tourists began to discover the Philippines, and specifically, Clark and Subic Bay in ever-growing numbers. In fact, according to the Philippine Department of Tourism (DOT), today they constitute the leading group of tourist by nationality in the Philippines. According to the DOT, the number of business and pleasure travelers is on the rise in the Philippines with South Korean leading the pack. For the entire country in 2006, South Korea lead the arrival numbers reaching 572,133 while the U.S. was second with 567,355 and then Japan with 421,808. For the following year, 2007, South Korea once again lead the arrival numbers reaching 653,310, a 14.2% increase, while the U.S. was second with 578,983, a 2% increase and Japan with 395,012, a 6.4% decrease. The fastest growing arrivals percentage-wise between 2006 and 2007 were from China and Malaysia. These countries posted arrival increases of 18.0% and 23.3% respectively. Chinas arrivals in the Philippines in 2007 were at 157,601 while Malaysia’s were 65,695. Growth is one thing, but maintaining quality and performance in the face of tremendous growth is an accomplishment worth taking note. Two consecutive world-class awards from two different organizations speak volumes of an organization’s efforts. In 2006 DMIA was awarded the â€Å"Low Cost Airport of the Year award from the Centre for Asia Pacific Aviation (CAPA). Then, in 2007, DMIA was awarded the prestigious â€Å"Airport of the Year† award by Frost and Sullivan, at the Asia Pacific Aerospace and Defense Awards Banquet in Singapore. Formulated in 1961, Frost and Sullivan maintain over 26 offices worldwide, and is a major, respected global research company. The company fields a staff of over 1,500 employees, with job titles ranging from economists, market researchers and technology analysts. These analysts and researchers are focused on the industries of aerospace, defense, energy, transportation, environmental-issues, technology, chemicals, food, power systems and more. It looks like CIAC is entirely-focused and performing above and beyond the call of duty in their determination to witness the realization of DMIA becoming the premier gateway of the Philippines. Exciting plans abound for the long-term prospectus of the Clark Freeport and DMIA. After 15 years of conflict and negotiations with the indigenous Aeta people of the region, CDC has acquired 10,000 hectares of new expansion land area. CDC now has a total of almost 28,000 hectares of contiguous, raw land to work with and put to productive use over the next couple of decades. The Clark governing body has designating a new, modern, 21st Century city to be built from scratch in the combined areas comprising existing and new land acquisitions in and around the Clark Freeport. Aeropolis is the named assigned this modern, Aviation-focused, master-planned, multi-use mega-city/mega-region. CDC already has in a master-plan set-aside for Aeropolis comprised of 4,400 hectare main-zone and a 27,600 hectare sub-zone centered on an aviation-driven urban center that will be ideally suitable to high-end IT, airport-industries, logistics-related enterprises, agro-industries and tourism. This type of long-term, far-sighted planning translates to exponential airport-related arrivals/departures and the ongoing future success of the Clark Airport as a major player in the world economy for many decades to come. Departure Procedure Step 1 Entry Check * Here is where a pax join the first queue the airport entrance queue. * Before a pax can enter the building they must show both of their passport and airline ticket, so they must have them ready. * Now is a good time to remove metal objects from their pockets or purse and place them in their hand carried luggage that will be x-rayed. These items include watches, pens, cell phones, and coins anything that will trigger the metal detector. Doing this early will save delays later. * Once they have shown their passport and ticket they will have to place their entire luggage on the x-ray conveyor belt before walking through the metal detector. Step 2 Airline Check-in * If all goes well they can collect their luggage and proceed to their airline check-in counter. * They should expect huge queues so they must get there early. * While waiting in the check-in queue they must prepared to have their baggage sniff tested for explosives. * After checking in and getting their boarding pass they can now proceed to the departure area but their queuing is not yet over. Step 3 Pay Departure Tax/ Terminal Fee * Before entering the departure area they must show their passport and boarding pass. Once cleared they can now go to the counter where they will pay their departure tax and terminal fee. This terminal fee is currently 150 pesos for domestic and 450 pesos for international per passenger. * At the counter they must give the counter operator their boarding pass and the money. She will return their boarding pass along with a receipt. Step 4 Immigration Clearance * The next step is Immigration Clearance. They must present their passport and boarding pass. Step 5 Security Check * The next queue is at the security check. Once again pax must make sure to have taken all metal objects out of their pockets or purse. They can either place those in their hand carry bag or in a plastic tray that the security people will provide. * Make sure they adhere to the currency export limits for both Philippine pesos and foreign currencies. * After they have gone through the metal detector they can collect their bags and the tray with their personal effects, and then they can proceed into the departure area. Step 6 Departure Gate Check * If they think they have stood in the last queue they may be disappointed. Depending on their airline there may be one more security check. This will be as they enter the departure gate area. This check is just a routine and quick check of they and their hand carried bag. Step 7 Passport Boarding Check * Again, depending on the airline, they may have to show both their boarding card and their passport as they board the aircraft. If so, they must be ready and have their passport open at the photo page. Arrival Procedure Step 1 – Quarantine/ Immigration Procedures * Pax must have their passport ready to complete quarantine and immigration procedures. Foreign travelers will need to fill out an arrival card. Step 2 – Baggage Claim * They must check the information board for the name of their airline and flight no. and collect their baggage from the appropriate carousel. If they cannot find their baggage, they must show their baggage claim tag to the airline service representative and ask for assistance. Step 3 – Customs Inspection * Pax must take their baggage and proceed to Customs Inspection. If they have items to declare complete the necessary procedures at the appropriate counter. Step 4 – To the Arrivals Lobby / Meet Greet * They will proceed to the arrivals lobby which is the convenient place to meet friends and families. My 50 Days of Experience I have learned a lot in my 50 days of experience at the Diosdado Macapagal International Airport especially with the Airport Operation Department staff. I don’t even knew the existence of the airport operation before. But now after being a part of this department just even for a while I have realized the importance and the role of it. Airport Operation Department has a big role in running an airport. It is like the main ingredient in a recipe and the heart of a body system. Without it an airport cannot be called an airport terminal because they are the one who keep safety and security excellence as the first priority, they develop a better airport for the future by taking advantage of emerging market opportunities, they operate an efficient airport dedicated to exceptional customer service, they broaden and increase the airport’s revenue base to ensure on-going viability, and they maintain strong relationships with â€Å"neighbors†, communities, and industries. Being a part of it is not really easy because it is too broad. But thanks to our leaders who made us understand our role and made us feel that we are really a part of the Airport Operation Department even though we are just OJTs.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Foundations For Safeguarding Children Children And Young People Essay

Foundations For Safeguarding Children Children And Young People Essay In this assignment I will cover what safe guarding means and what legislations have been put into place to support children young people and families. I will also discuss the different types of abuse that children can be affected by. I will also relate to different theories that are linked to child abuse. Safeguarding children legislation and procedures was put into place to avoid child abuse. . Safeguarding is a multi-disciplinary team that work together to reduce the risk of children who dont receive basic child protection, safeguarding aims to prevent the lack of childrens health and also safeguards children from maltreatment and ensures children have a safe, effective environment at home. The safeguarding legislation was bought into place in order to protect children from getting abused. The legislation protects children from the following, Protecting children from mistreatment Preventing impairment of childrens health and development Ensures children are growing up in conditions with provision of safe an effective care. The following means that every child should have the above in order for them fulfil everything they want. On the other hand not all children have the opportunity as they get abused and neglected. 16% of children (1 in 6) experience serious maltreatment by parents, of whom one third experience more than one type of maltreatment. Cawson (2002). This quote shows that not all children have a good life as they are mistreated by parents. There are numerous types of child abuse physical, emotional, sexual and neglect. Physical harm is when an adult intentionally harms a child is physical abuse. This can include hitting, shaking, throwing, poisoning, burning, and slapping. Emotional abuse takes place through verbal cruelty for example continuous verbal attacks sexual abuse is when a child is forced in sexual activity they may not want do. The Persistent failure to meet a childs basic physical and/or psychological needs, likely to result in the serious impairment of the childs health or development. Neglect is when the childs needs are not met for example adequate foods, water, shelter. If these needs are not persistently met children are being neglected. Abraham Maslow also states that the physiological needs to be met in order for a child to move to the next stage of the hierarchy. Child abuse is seen differently within the broad frame work there are different types of action, or inactions that could be measured abusive in their consequences for children. What others may consider as child abuse you may not consider as abuse. Children with repeated, hard to explain, injuries can be affected very seriously. The impact it has on children can be physical, psychological, behavioural and societal consequences. For example damage to a childs growing brain, can obligate to psychological effects such as cognitive delays and emotional difficulties. Child abuse affects a child in many ways as it has a major affect in their life and results in affecting their emotional feelings. There are many theories that link to why child abuse or neglect could take place in a childs life. One of the theories which could link to child abuse could be attachment this is where the child seeks attention from the mother the things this could involve would be crying, or any other way of attraction. Statistics show that Approximately 50,500 children in the UK are known to be at risk of abuse right now. This has been identified by the NSPCC. Research indicates that this is around 50,500 get neglected or abused. 10/11/2012 After the victoria climbe incident and baby p the government has put a lot of legislations in place in order for them to tackle child abuse, as child abuse has become very common. Below are a few of the legislations which i will look at in depth, Safeguarding Children 2008 Children Act 2004 Every Child Matters 2003 Common Assessment Framework 2006/7 Working Together To Safeguard Children 2007 These legislations are used by all practitioners to work together and ensure every child is safe and loved for. Safeguarding has to be met by all practitioners to prevent any child from abuse or neglect. On the other hand there is a difference between safe guarding as child protection. Child protection is when multi agencies are obligatory to keep the children when they are at harm and to safeguard them. The following people can take action school teachers, school nurse, if it is not an education setting then police, social services and other organisations such as the NSPCC can take responsibility. Safeguarding children is very important in all settings to ensure children are in a safe environment. When working with children all staff have to undertake a CRB check to guarantee that all staff have a clear history and have no offences. If CRB checks are not carried out children could be at risk. All schools have safeguarding procedures in place in order for all the children to be in a safe environment. The common assessment framework was introduced after Lord Laming was appointed in April 2001 to chair a self-governing constitutional Investigation into the circumstances leading to and surrounding the death of Victoria Climbià ©. Victoria had been physically ill-treated by her great aunt Victoria and suffered many injuries. The common assessment framework was put into place in order to assess all children and young people to support earlier intervention, to develop communication amongst practitioners. The reason why victorias case was not dealt with appropriately was because agencies were not working together. This would not result now as all agencies work together and work as multi-disciplinary teams. This will benefit practitioner as well as keep the child. On the other hand the CAF has its positives and negatives. As they share information it is easier for practitioners to resolve the problem quickly. The CAF is to be used for children who have additional needs in one or more of three areas: Their development and growth Extra learning requirements Family and environmental problems and any precise needs of the parent/ carer. Working together to safeguard children was also put in place after the death of victoria Climbià ©. This legislation focuses on all settings to work together to safeguard children. It also allows families and children to access services that are available to them if they need any help or support. ECM stands for Every Child Matters. Its a green paper which means that it is not yet legislation and hasnt become a white paper. The reason for ECM is to get rid of inequality and improve the life of children that arent well off. This green paper is a follow on from the paper that Laming produced after Victoria Climbies death. Cheminais (2008) writes that there are five outcomes for Every Child Matters. These are be healthy, stay safe, enjoy and achieve, make a positive contribution and achieve economic wellbeing. By being healthy the child should be physically, emotionally and mentally well. They should have a healthy was of living. An example of this would be eating healthy and exercising. It is not only the childs responsibility to keep themselves healthy but also their parents and anyone that works with them. Staying safe is about being safe from bullying or any harm and injury. This also means having a steady home environment. To enjoy and achieve is to have fun whilst learning and not be doing something that makes them feel uncomfortable, rather be doing something that makes them happy. Making a positive contribution is to be supportive of others but also to have your own opinions. To have confidence and have a positive attitude on the outlook of life. Economics is to do with finance and money. The child should be supported by parents and their home should not have a low income. The child should also be able to have access to good materials and be prepared to work and go in to higher education if they want. Throughout all these five outcomes the child should be supported and guided with the help of parents and other people that care for the child. However this puts more pressure on teachers as they have to take more responsibility. Some teachers do say that their job is to teach the children and not be another parent type figure to them. The role of the teacher is to realise when a child is uncomfortable and to find out why. To notice any abuse or neglect. Practitioners should work with other agencies and share information so that the issue at hand can be dealt with. Teachers must observe the way children play. Smith (2008, p50) writes about the signs of recognising child abuse and neglect. The signs can be the child using toys to act out sexual experiences, drawings of abuse, being afraid of a person or not wanting to go home. The child might develop aggressive behaviour or the opposite, hostile, withdrawn behaviour. They also might have bruising or unexplained injuries and when asked, the child might give a shaky answer or tell a lie. The parent may also lie when brought in to discuss the child. Disguised compliance is another way the parents might make the services and teachers think that things are getting better or are resolved. They will go along with what the authorities say and after a while return to how it was before. The parent or parents only do this as a way of putting up and act. There are techniques in which disclosures of abuse must be dealt with and responded to. Dare and ODonovan (2000) write that when a child discloses in you, you must be calm about it. You shouldnt be shocked or keep asking the child what happened. This will only make them not want to say anything. You must reassure them but also let them know that what they have told you cant be kept confidential. The named member of staff must be told about what has been disclosed in you. The practitioner must know how to record information and where it is kept. The practitioner must also keep in control of their emotions. They will have to deal with parents and the child. Kids First (2009, online) describe how to make a report when calling the social services. Basic details must be given such as the name, age and address of the child as well as their parent or guardians name. The state of the child, for example if any abuse has taken place and if there are injuries. Where the child is being kept whil e the report is being made and if possible say if any harmful substances or objects are being kept at the childs home or anything that could put the child at risk. The points that were in the introduction have been discusses as well as being expanded on. There have been references throughout from both books and online to support the points that were made in this assignment. References Safeguarding Online 2003. House of Commons. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 10 November 12]. Medical news today. 2012. What Is Child Abuse? What Is Child Neglect?. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 11 November 12]. Melinda Smith and Jeanne Segal,. 2012. HelpGuide. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 07 November 12]. Neglect quote Books Damien Fitzgerald, (2007). Working Together in Childrens Services. 1 Edition. Routledge Jennie Lindon, (2003). Child Protection.2nd Edition. Hodder Education. Barbara Lindon, (2003). Contemporary Child Care Policy and Practice. Edition. Palgrave

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Computer Information Systems :: Computers Technology Training Careers Essays

Computer Information Systems It is essential for every company to look into types of training. In the day and age that we live in technology and computer information systems are always changing. By the time people learn new information there is something else new to learn. This has been evident throughout history. There will always be the need to for companies to train employees. Many companies rely on computer information systems that work with human relations, marketing, and other essential departments in the company. For many businesses, the computer information systems have become a necessity. In order to compete and grow many companies rely on theses systems. They have proven to be great investments when successfully implemented. As a company expands its business to use computer information systems, there is a need to train staff, and in many instances hire experienced people. Even if the new staff knows all about computer information systems, it is highly recommended that other employees become familiar with the new type of business. This is important so the employees can be agile without the need to train new people. Many areas of training go along with having computer information systems. Some of these areas are web development, graphics, database management, operations management, and marketing. All of these areas are taught in various training courses. Some of the topics require vast amounts of training, such as graphics and database management. On the other hand, much of the web maintenance can be done easily and without much training. When deciding on the type of training, many factors must be taken into account. It is up to management what types of training they should use based on time, money, and many other factors. In real world cases there have been failures with the implementation of computer information systems, whether they were ERP or any other type of system. It is essential for management to take the necessary precautions and steps in order to have a successful immersion of the new system. Possible Computer Information System Training Methods There are many ways that a company can train its employees. When the decision is made that training is needed, one might chose to hire a company to come in and train the employees. This is referred to as onsite training. Many companies do this and many advantages are associated with it for example, the company keeps the employees on site and removes the need to travel.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Separation of Church and State in Latin America Essay -- Religion Gove

Separation of Church and State in Latin America Throughout Latin American history, the Roman Catholic Church has played a tumultuous role, from passive "soul saving" to aggressive revolutionary actions. As the countries have turned toward democracy the Catholic Church has had to recognize that along with modernization comes the promotion of two democratic ideals: the separation of Church and State and the endorsement of secularization. While many countries are still working toward a separation of Church and State, Costa Rica, a long-time democratic country, has continued to recognize Roman Catholicism as the official religion of the country and to look to church and clergy for support. Though the Costa Rican Church is removed from the political spotlight, it has not backed down from its doctrine and goals, and the Church and State have created a unique relationship that seems to benefit all peoples. Although the Catholic Church has varied somewhat throughout different parts of the world, the fundamental doctrines regarding social and behavioral expectations have remained relatively untouched. The ideals of tradition and purity still resound within the walls of Catholic churches everywhere. Catholicism is a religion based on ritual with precise words that are to be recited at every mass, baptism, communion, confession, and marriage ceremony. The only ingredient a good Catholic needs in order to share in these traditions and gifts of God is faith. Fortunately, the Church has formulated a number of rules to guide its followers down the difficult path to true faith. Like most Christian religions, the Catholic faith centers its beliefs on the Bible and the teachings of the early Church fathers. Certain parables are extracted ... ... Harold D. ed. Costa Rica: A Country Study, United States Government Printing Office, Washington DC, 1983 Peeler, John A. Latin American Democracies, The University of North Carolina Press, 1985 Pope John Paul II. Opening Address at the Puebla Conference. January 28, 1979 Schall, James V. Liberation Theology, Ignatius Press, San Francisco, 1982 Szulc, Tad. Pope John Paul II: The Biography, Scribner, New York, 1995 Tapscott, Stephen ed. Twentieth-Century Latin American Poetry, University of Texas Press, Austin, 1996 Wesson, Robert. Politics, Policies, and Economic Development in Latin America, Hoover Institution Press, Stanford, California, 1984 Winn, Peter. Americas: The Changing Face of Latin America and The Caribbean, Pathean Books, New York, 1992 The Merriam Webster Dictionary, Merriam Webster Incorporated, Springfield, Massachusetts, 1994

Friday, October 11, 2019

Concept Application Project Essay

Throughout the semester I have explored many topics in sociology. While exploring these topics, three main theoretical perspectives were used. I will briefly illustrate each of the main theoretical perspectives of functionalism, conflict theory, and symbolic Interactionism. During this semester I have watched two films, Food Incorporated and The Vernon Johns Story. I will describe how a theoretical perspective is used in each of these examples. Then I will provide my own two examples where concepts and theoretical perspectives can be illustrated. My First example is the Boston Marathon Bombings and the second is the Mass Media’s coverage of the Boston Bombings. The Functionalist Perspective is a sociological perspective that emphasizes each part of society contributing to the survival of that society. In Sociology in Modules, they define the functionalists perspective as, â€Å"A sociological approach that emphasizes the way in which the parts of a society are structured to maintain its stability (Schaefer 15). † The functionalist perspective can be compared to the human body model. Each part of the body performs specific tasks. For example, our legs allow us to walk or run and our lungs allow us to breathe. Without each and every body part, one simply cannot perform to the maximum potential. Now when a functionalist is looking at a society, they may see different social groups that contribute to a larger population. The Conflict Perspective is a sociological perspective that views the world as a constant struggle. In our textbook, Sociology in Modules, they define the conflict perspective as, â€Å"A sociological approach that assumes that social behavior is best understood in terms of tension between groups over power or the allocation of resources, including housing, money, access to services, and political representation (Schaefer 15). † There are many areas where conflict can arise in today’s society. Religious groups, political parties, and different social classes, may all have conflicting views with other or opposite groups. Examples of the conflict perspective include means of production versus labor and the concentration of wealth. In recent history, the conflict perspective is becoming more popular. With, â€Å"The widespread social unrest resulting from battles over civil rights, bitter divisions over the war in Vietnam, the rise of the feminist and gay liberation movements, the Watergate political scandal, urban riots, and confrontations at abortion clinics have offered support for the conflict approach (Schaefer 16). † Groups in society with different viewpoints often pose a great threat to conflicting parties. The Interactionist Perspective is the third main sociological perspective where the traditional way of thinking comes from typical human interaction between groups. Sociology in Modules defines the interactionist perspective as, â€Å"generalizations about everyday forms of social interaction in order to explain society as a whole (Schaefer 17). † The interactionist perspective is also know as symbolic interactionism. I believe it is much easier to look at it from a symbolic interactionism perspective because symbols are easier to understand. From a symbolic interactionist perspective, one may see the world we live in as full of objects. These objects can come on the form of people, places, things, thoughts, feelings, or symbols. Symbolic interactionism looks at these symbols to characterize groups by their symbol. Each symbol may be different. For example, a symbol could be the type of color of car you drive, what you wear to work or school everyday, or even tattoos. Groups in society are often characterized by their symbols. These symbols allow people with similar symbols to communicate with ease. Food Incorporated is a documentary film that portrays the corporate farming industry in the United States as unhealthy, harmful, abusive, and inhumane. Food Inc. the movie really gave me something to think about, it only reinforced my beliefs to eat healthy and support organic and free-range grass fed meats. The most meaningful thing to me was when one of the contributors said the corporate farming industry only wants to grow their products â€Å"bigger, fatter, cheaper, faster†. This agribusiness in only in it for the sake of business and they don’t see the other side. On the other side there are these products that are being mass-produced in factory farms. This seemingly only affects the lower class Americans who can only afford the cheapest of food products at the super market. From a financial standpoint, it only makes sense that people are forced to consume such low quality products at their demise. As the conflict theory would describe it, this is a constant struggle between the producer and the consumer. The producers are producing animal products in close quarter factory farms and feeding them corn, which is not a naturally occurring meal. Specifically cattle and chickens are given hormone shots to make them grown bigger, fatter, and faster. These farms do not treat the animals well at all. The animals live in horrible conditions, often times in their own manure. This causes disease to reach to food that eventually people eat. There are cases that come up all the time where products need to be pulled from the shelves in stores because of contaminated foods. The Vernon John’s story is a true story turned into a movie that portrays a Minister, Vernon John, who leads the African Americans in the fight for civil rights. This film demonstrated the development of social change in the south. First, the blacks do not measure up to the whites in social class. They often held position in social that were not important of looked down upon. For example, the position that Vernon John holds is viewed as a conflict by white law enforcement officials. During the early 1900s, Black Americans were being segregated from society. Secondly, During this time, African Americans were not recognized by society as having any value other than slavery. Race and ethnicity played a large role in society during this time. African American Racial groups formed and they were discriminated against. Vernon John is a leader of social change. He stepped up and faced the danger in speaking his views. The movie illustrates two great examples of hate crime in the 1920s. The first is when Vernon John was driving in his car late at night to bring a girl who had been raped to the hospital. The white policemen pulled Vernon John over and just antagonized him for no reason. Another example is when part of Vernon John’s church was set on fire. This was obviously planned by the white Americans out of hatred for Vernon Johns following and community. The blacks were heavily being discriminated against. Third, the government used force and power to exercise their will against Vernon John and the Black Americans. The movie demonstrates a great example of what goes on in society today. Although the United States may not be going through the exact same situation of discrimination as the 1900s, we are still facing sorts of discrimination and hate crimes today. Which leads me into my next example, the recent Boston Marathon bombings. The Boston Marathon bombings is an alleged terrorist attack that happened during the finish of the 2013 Boston Marathon. On April 15th, 2013, two Muslim brothers from Massachusetts detonated two explosives near the finish line of the Marathon, killing three people and injuring more than 200 people. The 2013 Boston Marathon Bombings display the conflict some people have with society. I am not in the head of the bombers or the investigators so I am only speaking from an outside perspective. With that being said, I cannot imagine what they were thinking when setting off these two explosions in front of thousands of people. From the suspects point of view, they must have seen the world from a conflict perspective. They must have believed that they didn’t fit into society. In a Wall Street Journal article, one suspect claims â€Å"he and his brother were angry about the U. S. wars in Afghanistan and Iraq and the killing of Muslims there† (Authorities Say Bomb Suspects Planned NYC Attack). My only guess is that their hatred for the United States is so fierce that they concluded in carrying out these horrible acts. It appears that other groups from over seas heavily influenced the suspects. This is just one example of how government, religion, and cultural differences can become conflicting in society. The mass media can influence the coverage of any story by the time it reaches the public. The mass media is defined by Sociology in Modules as, â€Å"print and electronic means of communication that carries messages to widespread audiences† (Schaefer 153). The leverage they have is huge in what information/sources they have and what they release. In the coverage of the Boston Bombings, the media helped the public understand of what precautions they should take around the threatened area. The media also helped people from across the country understand what was happening in Boston. In this case, I believe the media did a good job in providing accurate information to the public. However, this is not always the case. The conflict view states that gatekeeping can control what information reaches the public. For example the media can choose on which pieces of news to report on, leaving out specifics that could totally twist the story. They can also choose which sources they want to use which may also have an affect on the outcome of the story. Not all social classes have access to certain news sources. Many sources are behind a pay wall, which prohibits some potential viewers from accessing the information. The functionalist view would say that the mass media plays a role in society that keeps it moving forward. Sociology in Modules says, â€Å"the mass media is to occupy our leisure time—from newspaper comics and crossword puzzles to the latest music releases on the Internet. While that is true, the media have other important functions. They also socialize us, enforce social norms, confer status, and promote consumption† (Schaefer 154). This is all very true and it reinforces our viewpoints of the media. Overall, multiple theoretical perspectives can portray the mass media. Indeed, concepts and theoretical perspectives learned in class are used to illustrate events in society today. First, the example of the Vernon John’s story gives one the ability to see the upbringing of social change through the civil rights movement. The second example of the Food Inc. production is one that produces for profit without taking into consideration all the ethical and health needs of American citizens. Third, my example of the Boston Marathon Bombings illustrates conflict and hates crimes in our culture today. Lastly. The mass media acts as an agent between information and the public through print and electronic versions. The conflict and functionalists theoretical perspectives can be used to analyze the mass media. Therefore, social concepts and theoretical perspectives are used throughout the society we live in today. ? Works Cited â€Å"Authorities Say Bomb Suspects Planned NYC Attack. † WSJ. com. Associated Press, 26 Apr. 2013. Web. 26 Apr. 2013. Food, Inc. Dir. Robert Kenner. Movie One, 2008. DVD. Schaefer, Richard T. Sociology In Modules. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2011. McGrawHills Connect. Web. 4 Apr. 2013. The Vernon Johns Story. Dir. Kenneth Fink. 1994. DVD.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Abortion in India

Abortion in India is more common than those would think, quite often a daily occurrence. In India, abortions are completely common because women are quite often having abortions after finding out the sex of the child. Not only is aborting a certain sex frowned upon, but the abortions given in India are often extremely poorly done because of the lack of trained professionals. Abortion in India should be more safe and sterile, while also done by properly trained professionals whom specialize in this area.Unfortunately in India the situation involving trained doctors and nurses for safe abortions is highly lacking making it much harder to provide for those in need of an abortion. Due to that other physicians and nurses get trained to provide medical abortions. â€Å"Abortion has been legalized in India for the past three decades† which made it possible to have medical and or surgical abortions available (Sarala Gopalan). Along with that came the complications of aborting certain sexes causing the passing of a law â€Å"India passed a law in 1994 making it illegal to abort a fetus based on its sex† (Kirkey).That law was passed because many Indian people were having children, trying to have a boy and when not successful would get an abortion. Quite often most of these abortions happened to be an unhealthy or unsafe abortion â€Å"Unsafe abortions constitute a major threat to the health and lives of women† (Sarala Gopalan). The result of an unsafe abortion can end up with terrible outcomes such as incomplete abortion, sepsis, haemorrhage, and damage to internal organs. The most major result of an unsafe abortion can result in the person receiving the abortion to die.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Importance of Digital Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

The Importance of Digital Security - Essay Example The most essential need of every single organization is the digital security. Most importantly, the effective internet security has become a dire need for any kind of organization, small, medium or large which use the information technology and web based services to carry out their work in an easy and effective manner. As these organizations depend upon the internet, the implementation of internet security and monitoring of networks inside the organization has increased dramatically. The risks of security have increased to a great extent after the launch of broadband internet. Now-a-days, the home users and professionals, both are using this kind of internet connection. The different companies, be it private, public, non-government organizations, they all are depending upon the internet for the exchange of information. Internet also serves as the major means of communication between different channels. The risks of leakage of information and hacking of security have increased with th e dependency of organizations on the internet. KINDS OF THREATS Based on the goals and purposes of the attacks on any digital system, the threats can be categorized as STRIDE. It is an acronym which categorizes different types of threats. STRIDE stands for: Spoofing It gains access to a system by using a false identity. It can be done by using stolen user credentials or using a false IP. Tampering As data flows between two computers, it can be altered in an unauthorized manner. Repudiation These attacks are difficult to prove as the users deny that they performed any specific action. Information Disclosure When private data is unwontedly exposed, it is called information disclosure. Denial of Service It is the process that makes a system or application unavailable. Elevation of Privilege It happens when personnel with limited privileges takes up the identity of a privileged one, and performs certain privileged actions (McClure & Kurtz, 2009). Network Threats Routers, switches and fi rewalls make up the infrastructure of network. They are the gatekeepers that guard the system and applications from intrusions and attacks. The networks threats are as follows: i. Information gathering ii. Sniffing iii. Spoofing iv. Session Hijacking v. Denial of Service Information Gathering The attackers or hackers first scan the ports. After the identification of the ports, they detect the types of devices, operating system and versions of

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

RESEARCH PROPOSAL Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Research Proposal Example (Sowney, & Barr, 2008). At the same time, little is known about the experiences of nurses or the families of these patients nor the nature of the challenges that are faced. There is a lack of understanding that weakens the ability of the nursing staff to reduce barriers and provide a service that is equitable for people with intellectual disabilities. There is the belief that because many of the issues that occur, care should be given in a community setting instead of a hospital setting, however this is under debate (Lennox, Rey-Conde, Purdie,, 2007). People with intellectual disabilities comprise about 2% of the UK population. Demographics have been changing, however, and intellectual disabilities increased by 54% over a period of 35 years from the year 1960 to 1995 (Cooper, Melville, & Morrison, 2004). There then followed another 9% increase over the years of 1998 to 2008. These changes have occurred due to improvements in socioeconomic conditions, intensive neonatal care, and increasing survival rates. The health needs of people who have intellectual disabilities impact primary healthcare services as well as secondary healthcare specialties. There are many health inequalities in this group of people and their disabilities may affect their experience in the hospital as well as their family and the staff working there in either a positive or negative way based on how prepared everyone involved is. There are many special issues in healthcare in with people who have intellectual disabilities. The majority of people with intellectual disabilities live in the worlds less developed countries. However, there is a lack of understanding in their care in all countries. There is still so little known about the types of care that are needed most. There is also a great lack of understanding as to the experiences of this group of adults and what their perspectives

Monday, October 7, 2019

Child Development Theories in Focus Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Child Development Theories in Focus - Essay Example Focus will be on Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model which links development to the child’s various factors in the environment that influence the child’s experiences, learning and growth. The selected developmental stage to be discussed in this paper is the early childhood stage (age 2-6 years). In order to have a clearer picture of early child development, other theoretical frameworks by Piaget, Erikson, Freud, Maslow, Vygotsky and Bowlby shall also be referred to in conjunction with Brofenbrenner’s model as the theoretical framework of this paper. If applicable, the significance of the theory to early childhood children shall be discussed especially if the theory describes certain developmental stages. Brofenbrenner’s Ecological Model (1979) explains that the behaviour and development of an individual is an interplay of the individual’s biological and personality factors, his environment and the society and culture he was born into. Brofenbren ner also claims that effects of interactions between the individual and his environment are two-directional or characterized by reciprocity. This means that while a child’s development is influenced and moulded by his family, school and peers, he likewise influences and moulds the behaviour of others. The growing child moves through five systems that inter-relate and affect his development, namely, the microsystem, mesosystem, exosystem, macrosystem and chronosystem. The most basic ecological level is the microsystem, where direct contacts between the child and his immediate surroundings result in behaviours such as dependence or independence and cooperation or competition. An example of this is the home base of the child and his relationship with his family. The pure culture of the society the family lives in greatly influences how the family lives and how the child imbibes the culture as he expresses it in his developing personality. The microsystem is usually where the chi ld first develops attachments to his significant others like his parents. John Bowlby’s (1982) Attachment theory posit that attachment provides children with a sense of security, promotes communication and the expression of feelings and becomes a secure base for children to discover their world and eventually learn self-regulation and self-control. It is a devise that contributes to children’s developing sense of self. Research done by Rudolph Schaffer (1977) and Jerome Bruner (1977) yielded the concept of ‘joint involvement episodes’ (JIE’s) which may be related to the quality of attachment a child and his or her mother or significant other has. The researchers observed mothers’ and their babies’ behaviour while focused on a potential learning episode. While jointly involved in play, for instance, they fall into a turn-taking pattern of behaviour and such cooperation teaches the child about the rules of their play within a safe and se cure environment with a familiar adult. This gives him more courage to explore his world knowing he has a safe base to return to. The next level of Brofenbrenner’s Ecological model is the mesosystem, which comprises the linkages and processes that take place between two or more settings with the child in common. A perfect example is how learning in school is supported by follow up lessons in the home. At this level, the child gets to understand associations between people and things.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - Term Paper Example Kraft was founded in 1903 and currently operates in the United States and Canada. Pepsi Company manages three types of inventories. These are: raw materials, work in progress and finished goods. Kraft Foods Company maintains two kinds of inventory: raw materials and finished products. Raw materials comprise unprocessed items to be consumed in the production process. Raw materials also include purchased components that will be used in making the finished product. Work-in-progress comprises partially completed merchandise in terms of raw materials, costs and labor. Finished product include merchandise held by the company that is readily available for sale (Olson, 2011). How Pepsi and Kraft Foods goods and service design concepts are integrated Pepsi Company employs a vendor managed inventory system to integrate goods and service. The design manager is responsible for hands on design and design management of branding and packaging. The supply chain managers play an active role in the in ventory optimization to address the factor of variability in supply of key commodities and seasonal variability in consumer demand. The supplier assumes the responsibility for management of a retailer’s inventory. Kraft Foods Company owns the product until it crosses the checkout counter. The grocery store acts as the broker between the producer and the consumer. The managers of both companies along with other employees integrate products design by identifying customer needs, generation of product concepts, prototyping and design-for-manufacturing. The role of inventory in Pepsi and Kraft foods performance, operational efficient and customer satisfaction Getting a product or service to the right place at the right time in the modern business remains a challenge, as most businesses have to grapple between the cost of maintaining huge inventory while operating efficiently and effectively. Pepsi maintains a stock of inventory up to a period of twelve days (Hieber, 2002). At the same time, Pepsi Company employs an N-tier demand management, which is a classic bull-whip. N-tier demand management seeks to further suppliers from customers as far as possible. An N-tier demand management helps the company and suppliers to see the final consumer demand at the same time (Radhakrishnan, 2001). Kraft Food Company adopts just in time mode of inventory, where the company makes just the right amount of products for the market and gets them quickly into the consumers’ hands, thus customer satisfaction. By keeping inventory at the lowest, Kraft Foods Company operates efficiently as low level of inventory helps in freeing up the cash. In turn, this results in operational efficiency. Similarities and differences of 4 different types of layouts and the importance of the layouts For an organization to have a successful manufacturing unit, it is pertinent that special care and attention is given to the layout of the facility (Radhakrishnan, 2001). Facility layout refers to the arrangement of diverse components of manufacturing in a suitable way in order to produce preferred production outcomes. Both Pepsi Company and Kraft foods operate four different kinds of layouts. Among the four, three kinds of layout operate in a similar manner. These layouts are: the fixed position layout, hybrid layout and the cell layout (Olson, 2011). The cell layout seeks to lessen the complexity of process and product layouts. A cell layout divides resources

Saturday, October 5, 2019

General Prologue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

General Prologue - Essay Example Thus Chaucer gets acquainted with different representatives of middle-class social layer. All of them are on their way to Canterbury to pray at a shrine of Saint Thomas Becket (Schwartz). Step by step Chaucer depicts main characters of his Tales. We can see a merchant, a clerk, a knight, a monk, a wife of Bath and other heroes. Chaucer tells about every character in the order, which is appropriate to the social status of heroes. I’d like to pay attention to the Wife of Bath, Alyson. She is an embodiment of an authoritative spouse. This woman has been married five times and tells pilgrims about her tumultuous marriages. She provides bright descriptions of herself comparing herself with a ‘humble loaf of bread’ (Schwartz). In order to justify her numerous marriages Alyson refers to Solomon’s and Abraham’s wives. Five husbands of Alison were different kinds of men, but the most lovable for her was her fifth husband, Jankyn. Their relationships were complicated though they lived together till Jankyn’s death. The Wife of Bath’ tale is a long part of general prologue. In such a way Chaucer makes fun of selfish and egoistical traits of human character. We can see that the author underlines this negative trait as a core of human troubles and turmoil. The authors finishes the general prologue stating that he has â€Å"tyme and space† to narrate his tales. His no tes explain to us that the tales were written some time after the events happened the author is just sharing with us what he remembers about these events and at the same time he shares his personal opinion and attitude towards what he is narrating. Canterbury Tales mean much for the reader. Unlike many other famous literary masterpieces, these Tales disclose the reality of human’s life and can be considered useful for young readers who want to know more about the world around. Canterbury Tales also give very interesting information about the epoch

Friday, October 4, 2019

The car crash Essay Example for Free

The car crash Essay Joni woke remembering that she still needed to get out of the car her last thought before shed fell unconscious, even though the bright lights stung her eyes her headache worse than before. She pushed her self up onto her elbows, groaning quietly at the pain that suddenly shot down her arm in response to this movement, though she couldnt tell whether they were cut or bruised. Trying to open her eyes Joni squinted at the bright strip lights directly above her. A strong antiseptic smell filled her nostrils causing a nauseous feeling to wash over her. A noise that sounded as though it was coming from far in the distance was beeping in a steady rhythm, sounded amplified against the otherwise still silence. Trying to look round the room Jonis eyesight, which was not yet adjusted to the bright light, saw that her surroundings consisted of mainly white. The dark shape of a man sitting by Jonis bed stood out against the whiteness of the room. The man wore casual clothes so he couldnt have been a doctor or nurse, and yet Joni didnt know who this man was or why he was visiting her. Ssshh, lie back down you need your rest now an unfamiliar voice told her, standing up from where he was sitting he looked tall leaning over Jonis bed. But she tried to answer being interrupted not only by the constant throbbing of her head but also the man continuing to speak. Deciding that lying down was a good suggestion Joni did as the man had told her, but was still fighting to keep her usually clear blue eyes open which felt red and sore. Im really sorry there was nothing that I could do, you drove straight into me before swerving off the edge of the road. I just wanted to stay with you at least until your family or someone came, so that you wouldnt be alone when you woke. The man told Joni in a low but concerned tone of voice. Joni relaxed realising that she was now safe in one of the hospital beds not too far from home. She recalled what had happened that had made her end up here. Jonis vision had blurred at the bright headlights approaching from the car  heading towards her. Outside the increasing rain splattered heavily on the roof of Jonis car to the same rhythm of her thumping head. It was only 11.30 when Joni had decided to leave the party early, feeling yet another headache coming on, the one that she was now suffering from. Joni hadnt had anything to drink, partly as she had wanted to drive home but also as she had been topped up with paracetamol for the past few weeks miserably trying to fight of the constant headaches though theyd had little affect. It was mid November; the wipers on Jonis old car, which her Dad had bought her only the year before to make do with until she could afford her own was having difficulty keeping the windscreen, clear of the heavy rain. The car ahead was getting closer and the lights getting brighter, it must now have been about 12.00, as Joni was driving down the sandy cliff edge road about 10 minuets from home. The road had been cut out of the dusty hillside in which Joni lived. The road itself was little more than a dusty track, turning quickly into mud as the rain beat down. One side of the road exceptionally dark with trees thickening into woodland the other a steep drop eventually ending in the distance with another small village embedded amongst the hills which could only be seen due to its thousands of glittering lights. The road didnt have any lights of its own Jonis own car lights and the lights from the car ahead were the only thing illuminating the dark road. Jonis eyes stung transfixed on the road ahead, her head still pounding somewhat worse than they were earlier and then Joni could remember nothing for what could have barely been a minuet. I must have blacked out she told the man in some sort of an explanation. The next thing that she could remember was colliding with the car that had been approaching, in her dazed state of mind Joni then tried to control the car from falling off the edge of the cliff. She felt the tumbling weight of the car, with her in it feeling like a metal ball inside a pinball machine,  only she was being thrown around inside the car. Then silence as the car suddenly sat still knowing that this could only mean that she had finally reached the bottom of the cliff she tried to host herself from the wreckage feeling a warm liquid trickling down her face which could only be blood she fell unconscious. I pulled you from the car as soon as I got down to the bottom of the cliff, it was a pretty steep climb, then called for an ambulance, I didnt think that you was still alive The man explained. Thank you Joni replied, looking at him for the first time noticing that he could be no more than 18. He had dark eyes brown or grey with longish dark which was ruffled and matted with mud and dry blood probably mine Joni thought, his face full of small cuts and bruises defined his boyish features. He shrugged shyly smiling It was nothing