Friday, February 28, 2020

Criminology Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Criminology - Term Paper Example For example, in urban areas and places that are associated with low living standards, the crime rate is usually higher (67). Also worth noticing is the fact that there are crimes that are common while others are less common. Some of the most common crimes in almost every society include burglary, robbery, murder and rape (61). Crime victims in every country do not necessarily have common characteristics. What this means is that people across the economic scale can become victims to crime. Those who reside in poor neighborhoods are however more likely to become victims of crime compared to those in rich neighborhoods. With technological developments and the introduction of the internet, crime has gotten to cut across boundaries like never before as evidenced the crimes such as synthetic ID theft, hackings and viral attacks. Organizations like individuals also fall victim to criminals. From the analysis above, it is beyond doubt that crime knows no bounds and anyone can become a victim of crime. 2A. There are several myths about crime in the United States of America. One such myth is in regard to the prevalence of crime in the country over other countries. Given the size of the US and its high population, it is a common belief that the country has a higher crime rate compared to other countries including England, Canada, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden and Australia. This may however not be the truth considering that the International Crime Victims’ Survey reveals otherwise. Yet another myth about crime in the US is pegged on the belief that criminals specialize in their activities. In this respect, it is often assumed that sex offenders, for example, only commit crimes that are related to sex and not other crimes (79). This again is against what past research conducted by criminologists reveal. The media and the political discourse has made such myths appear true by giving greater attention to crime and compared to other news. Terrorism has for example receive d a great share of media and political attention following the 9/11 attacks. Yet again, it is beyond doubt that in some cases the media and politicians misrepresent facts related to crime and criminal activities as they make their presentation not based on solid evidence but on flawed perceptions (62). Given the attention and misrepresentation of crimes by the media and politicians, policy makers tend to make flawed decisions. For example, policy makes, like the general public often believe against the truth that criminals such as sex offenders specialize (79). When policy makers make decisions based on such flawed assumptions, the policies that they make often become ineffective when it comes to crime prevention and rehabilitation of criminals (79). 4B. Several studies have highlighted the changing nature of crime over time. While there are crimes that have previously been termed as common, this term may no longer be accurate in application. This is so considering that cybercrime, terrorism and sexual offenses which were less prevalent in the past have become almost as prevalent as robbery, burglary and murder in recent times. One main crime that has been subject to change in the US is homicide. The last two centuries have seen a fluctuation in the prevalence of this type of crime (116). The socio-economic environment of a place is known to be one of the factors that affect the prevalence of crime. In the early

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Lack of jobs for college graduates Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Lack of jobs for college graduates - Essay Example Consequently, this has affected a large number of young college graduates. Moreover, this acts as a way of making many graduates loose hope. Most of these graduates work hard in their school lives and use more amount of resources in order to get a good college education and respectable jobs. However, after graduation the reality strikes that only a few jobs exist for the large number of graduates entering the job market. Various graduates who majors in areas of studies also face these challenges. The finance major students have faced an example of such challenge. The state is expected to last for a time due to the current nature of United States economy. Analysis of the unemployment rate in United States helps in highlighting challenges faced by college graduates such as Joblessness, getting low income, failure to repay loans. The poor economic nature that is taking place in the country is making college graduates lack jobs. The poor economy started in December 2007 (Shierholz, Sabadish and Finio, 1). The government response to the poor state of the economy has been weak and slow. Consequently, the jobs become fewer for those getting out of college. For example, there lack over 8 million jobs and the unemployment rate has risen to a high of 7 percent as compared to the previous years (Shierholz et al. 1). In fact, the unemployment rate has risen to a rate that was not even experienced in The Great Depression. The weak labor force continues to affect young workers especially those graduating from college. â€Å"The March unemployment rate of workers under age 25 was twice as compared to the national average† (Shierholz et al. 1). However, there has been a rise in the number of available jobs, but the availability is yet to satisfy many graduates. As a result, the ability to get jobs for young high s chool and college graduates remain