Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Leaders Influence Organizational Effectiveness

Question: Discuss about the Leaders Influence Organizational Effectiveness. Answer: Introduction Every professional course needs to have an opportunity of self-reflection, as it is a way to learn and improvise one self, through realization of mistakes done(Moon, 2013). Nobody being born perfect or with knowledge, it is very important to upgrade oneself through motivation and taking necessary training and approach in area of improvement required. This report on self-reflection is taken particular been given to relate to leadership skills acquired and on personal progress through tools which are significant to increase self-confidence along with power of leadership of an individual to handle the team members(Boud, 2013). The strategies which has been adopted in form of tools to enhance the self-power and detect the errors through reflection of a being are using Quinn Management Questionnaire, Quick Emotional Intelligence Self-Assessment, Big Five Personality Test and Leadership Behavior tests. These tools have been used for self-analysis for the past 12 months. Growth becomes stag nant where improvement part has been neglected, therefore to enhance the growth, literatures and theories have been consider to explain through identification of weakness and to convert it into strength by upgrading skills and education to reach the objectives(Elliott, 2008). Drawing from experience of the past post undertaking of the course, the several behaviors undertaken by me form a crucial part of self-reflection. Since school days, i have an attitude and interest of leadership, so I have realized recently that I need improvement in myself in many areas to reach the requisite skills of leadership(Iacobucci, 2013). The course which has been taken by me coves all the essential factors which can facilitate to overcome my fear of leadership. Practice makes a man perfect, hence just by attending program one cannot achieve goal, to motivate myself and to apply the better acquired qualities one need to work on it. Tools which are being used to enhance my qualities have detected my limitation of knowledge through learning and right guidance(Aarons, 2006). We are always in wrong assumption about being well groomed in every corner of our expertise part, until we dont get failure in our task or either someone pinpoint our fault or self-realization does not mar k though proper training and programs(Runhaar, 2010). Varieties of tools are available to boost leadership skills, qualities and confidence and personal strength which has been proved very effective for others, but I have choose to advance my skills for leadership via implementation of questionnaire introduce by Quinn management, ESCI Questionnaire, Blue Ocean Strategy and Leadership Matrix. Quinn Management Questionnaires: This tool being introduced by Quinn and Cameron to describe the skills and leadership behavior required to lead organisation management. Generally it has been proved that mostly every organisation culture is based on this model(Yukl, 2008). To put myself in all dimensions of this theory I came to conclusion that firstly, high degree of changes require to be introduced in a perfect leader through preparing me to innovations. Secondly, to fulfill organisation objective, I need improvement in communicational skill to handle my team well. Thirdly I am blessed with an ability to teach and guide people and encourage them to reach their goals. I have a less ability or concentration to observe every single team member which I need to learn particularly to prove myself best monitor(Cameron, 2014). Being highly motivated person I possess the qualities of taking directive profile. To lead a higher key management team I have to go through many experiences via att ending campaign for improvement and motivational and upgrading knowledge programs by leading expertise. ESCI (Emotional Intelligence) Situational Leadership Questionnaire: After attending this model am so inspired and realized that emotions plays vital role in everyones working life and self-building via self-awareness, self-management, social awareness and relationship management(Avolio, 2013). When evaluate that understood my strong power to realize inner awareness and it has shown effects on performance level to a great extent in my personal life and in future professional life. Self-management: Only self-awareness does not makes you great leader, self-control, desire to work on achievement path with confidence of positive outcome and power and desire to accept the changes as it comes. Leading member of organisation has to go through severe stress level at work and need to maintain good leadership at any aggressive conditions and I possess that good quality(Bolden, 2006). Risk is the foremost factor to run business or to operate team. Accepting challenges and fulfilling it is my hobby at any cost. Social awareness: Being highly career oriented and great challenger I lack in areas to understand opposite people situation and their reactions on matter raised temporary(Gumusluoglu, 2009). Great leader has to have the quality to listen and understand team members problems and situations. Relationship management: Work and aim of any team leader is to motivate their member in a every possible way through guidance and training to fulfill the motive of the project taken. Self-inspiration can be transformed to others for positive outcome. Blue Ocean Strategy: Professors of Blue Ocean strategy institute, W Chan Kim and Renee Maouborgne introduced this theory which was published in 2005(Branson, 2007). Their theory states that any organisation cannot be only based for success by competing others but through creating some market space based on Blue Ocean theory. At first theory tries to explain their key concepts to create value of your company. Next part they guided through their four main principles of creating own brand name by sales marketing strategies, targeting on long term goal, to fulfill demand of market by enhancing supply to capture market by breaking limitations, and proving company targets implemented to be correctly through achievement and last and third strategy or principle of this theory is to implement above two strategy through right and acceptable process(Sheehan, 2009). This Blue Ocean strategy was so successful for Organisation to fulfill their objectives that was inspired to give training and run workshops to guide and train people at their institute. This theory helped deeply in a political way. BIG Five Personality Test The Big Five personality tests is conducted on several data research and enable to conduct personality tests of individuals. There are five indicators of personality that are indicated through this tests and it reflected following features in me. Openness: I am not very open in my characteristics and less imaginative in nature. However, I have various interests. Conscientiousness: I have high levels of conscientiousness and am highly methodic in nature. Agreeableness: I am agreeable in nature hence people find me cooperative, compassionate and friendly. Extraversion: I am an introvert by nature and interact less with others. Neuroticism: I feel I have greater emotional stability which enables me to divert away from negative emotions. Leadership Matrix Survey: A questionnaire for leadership matrix survey enables to understand the leadership style followed by a particular leader. I made a thorough analysis of myself from the leadership survey questionnaire and came to understand that I am a transactional leader by nature and lack capabilities of other leadership styles. I am highly demanding from my team members and am not a socialite. The matrix includes four relevant area of focus as Socialite, Team Leadership, Impoverished, Authoritarian and Middle of the Road. I aim to become a transformational leader such that I can cater to my organization in a better way(Von Krogh, 2012). But currently I lack skills and knowledge as to work according to such procedures. Literature Review Different types of experiment and questionnaire used to evaluate self-awareness and motivational strategies has been explained in an elaborate way in this literature review. It helps to understand hidden perception and plans to understand strength and weakness of myself. As discussed above the Blue Ocean Theory which helps any organisation to achieve its goal in a planned and via market management theory(Cobb-Clark, 2012). This theory helps in upgrading standard of leadership ability working in organisation itself. Quinn management roles main theory is to concentrate on given positions and roles, fulfill the target by motivating and learning within the work place. This theory introduced by Robert E. Quinns management theory and the model explains here eight roles of a leader. Manager or team will be awarded with best team leader or management if fulfills every roles implemented. One has to possesses eight qualities to be most effective leaders like, innovator, mentor, stimulator, monitor, coordinator , director, producer and last but not least mediator. This can be helped to improve through training programs. These eight qualities required to run management to reach Organisational goal. Leader with self-innovation can innovate the whole team to progress for great success. By good mentor quality they manager can guide the other members on right path through monitoring every individual by coordinating with them by directing them to learn management tools. This is how an effective manager controls and runs the entire team. The Quinn questionnaire is accessible as a 360 degree feedback tool. Management has to make report on team members experience of companys growth in effective way following eight theories of Quinns management. Manager examines this through applying 360 degree instrument. I also want to prove myself as a great leader of any future working organisation or may be myself made company by learning and upgrade my skills of Quinns management theory. Organisation is like a family to everyone who works so I want to mold myself in an emotional way to accept and run management in future by emotionally attached to every member to understand and handle any situations and their reaction in tough times ESCI (Emotional Intelligence) Situational Leadership Questionnaire explains the personal capability, to change oneself and others in an objective to encourage itself and team members individually(Komarraju, 2011). As a managerial post one has to attach with everyone emotionally to get the result in best and effective way. Its a survey model of 360 degree that helped to attain these 12 different competencies with that of members with low or average performance compare to others(Reichard, 2011). It helps to find out levels of individuals through their views, behaviors, and difference of level of their Emotional Intelligence and presentation in work. ESCI areas refer to 12 competencies areas like Self-awareness, Self-management, social awareness and relationship management let us discuss these below; Self-awareness: Self-awareness of oneself can be detected during work performance. When emotions act as barrier during leading a team, one feels from inside to change according to situation. Inner voice helps to analyze emotional levels. Self-management: One has to keep control on emotions and reactions during negative and positive situations at work(Andreescu, 2010). This balancing nature helps to achieve effective leader award through the career. Stress is a basic nature of any work condition that prevails. One has to keep control over impulsive nature to control other members .This is called an excellence at work through accepting and fulfilling challenges, risk and objectives targeted. It will measure the capability and managerial skills to become an effective team leader or manager. Social awareness: Social awareness is again an emotional attachment to the members as family members to understand their situation during conflict environment and helps and support them to overcome by your power of controlling others through understanding their emotional needs by creating strong relationship among them(Muenjohn, 2008). Relationship management: Relationship means here a strong team work by developing bonding between members through great leadership, mentoring, innovator and inspiration and guider. Being a great support to entire team through training and inspiration helps to perused goal of the management. Long term objective can be achieved through good leadership via, training, motivating and progressing in a required area. Distributing work as per knowledge and ability helps to complete task on time with high effect. Blue ocean strategy is well known instrument to measures ones ability or quality to become a great manager or team leader. Four significant areas where leaders can help themselves to overcome barrier during work are cognitive, motivational, political and resources. BIG Five Personality Test The Big Five personality allows testing procedures on several characteristic features on five characteristics of personality. Openness: It includes parameters which reflects imaginative and interests attributes of people. Conscientiousness: It reflects reliability and promptness within people. Agreeableness: It reflects compassionate characteristics within people. Extraversion: It is the characteristics whereby people interact with each other. Neuroticism: The negativity and emotional stability of a person is reflected through this attribute. Leadership Matrix Survey: It is a tool used in many corporations by a number of organizations as a professional way and method to assess leadership qualities(Nielsen, 2009). The matrix enables analysis of specific leadership skills such that relevant leadership qualities and attributes can easily be understood. The matrix based survey method is one of the best tools of self-reflection that allows for a complete feedback on leadership skills and styles being followed within an organization. The matrix helps plot specific leadership qualities under each aspects that can help meet specific norms. Conclusion Analysis and evaluation of myself critically have provided me various pertinent understanding regarding myself. I have now taken a strong resolution to train myself in areas am lacking behind through self-reflection realization. I want to become an effective leader but without being political in nature. I will put more extra effort to manage team in a positive way. Evaluating my responsibilities and job has brought me to look further through self-reflection. It has helped me to realize my weakness which needs to overcome through learning and applying tools for future prospects. I will take help from self-help books and also undertake guidance form my professors. Personal communication skills and diversify nature has to develop to coordinate with team members to reach the goal. I will give my full effort to learn emotional intelligence to understand and handle my team members at any difficult situation to overcome it and take my organisation to a level of great success. My professor w ill guide me in appropriate way such that I am capable of overcoming my fears and in establishing myself as a capable leader. I will maintain a personal journal where I will enter various results of the frequently conducted surveys done. Need to learn management skills to direct team by distributing work as per knowledge and their skills to handle work to get the effective result at work. I even require developing my mentoring capability to handle and look after every individual member of team. Success and failure of oneself is extremely depends on capability, strength of itself by overcoming of weakness through self-realization by self-reflection. I will look further to in areas of improvement required to make myself a great leader in future without any weakness and inabilities to prove myself best. Reference Lists Aarons, G. A. (2006). Transformational and transactional leadership: Association with attitudes toward evidence-based practice. 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